March 14, 2025

5 Things A Woman Should Know About Getting Pregnant After 30

As Founder of MaybeMOM, I’ve worked with many doctors to gather accurate information to help women over thirty plan their families and avoid the fears and complications that often accompany attempts to either have children now, or determine when the best time is. Let me share with you these tips for women over thirty:

First, a woman over thirty does not necessarily have ovulation every month. Let me remind you what ovulation is. It is the process of an egg ready for fertilization leaving the ovary follicle for the abdominal cavity. The ovulation cycle may last from 5 to 8 days, while ovicells are being formed.

The problem is that the estrogen level in a woman’s body, at this period of her life, is not enough to produce a full ovulation process. Nature offers many similar situations. For instance, an apple tree can break into blossom, but does not necessarily produce apples.

Second, many women erroneously presume that as long as they have regular menstrual cycles, there is going to be no problem conceiving a child. Actually, regular monthly menstrual cycles do not necessarily mean a woman has regular ovulation cycles. Ovulation cycles vary with age as a result of disease, or because of a wide variety of other reasons. Ovulation cycles, normally stable for any woman, may vary for two or three months after an abortion, or for a year after giving birth to a child. After a woman becomes forty, her body starts getting ready for her pre-menopausal period. So, ovulation may take place at any moment of a menstrual cycle or several times during a cycle. Some women get pregnant even while having a period.

Third, If you do not have an ovulation cycle for more than ten months, and if your pre-menopausal time is far away, you should see a doctor, as the absence may be caused by hormonal disorders in your body, and medical advice is indispensable. If the reason for hormonal imbalance is discovered in time and gotten rid of, ovulation can be restored.

Fourth, You should know that if you take the Pill for a long time, your ability to get pregnant may seriously decrease after you are thirty. In this situation, if you wish to have a baby, it may take your body some time to restore its hormonal balance. Don’t get excited or be nervous about itbecause restoration of the ovulation cycle may take from 2 to 10 months. Human bodies differ! Nobody can tell you how much time your own body will need in order to restore its ovulation cycle. Just relax, wait and see. Watch your diet, do physical exercises, assure reasonable rest and get ready for a healthy pregnancy.

Fifth, you may not be aware that, if you wish to get pregnant, your saliva can be your best advisor. After you are thirty, it is wise to check your ovulation daily. Full control of your ovulation cycle will help avoid unnecessary stress and taking medicines you don’t really need. A daily test of a drop of your saliva can give you the answer to your question, When? and will turn into a daily horoscope of your personal ovulation cycles. Our reusable product, MaybeMOM, can help you do this each day. You just place a drop of your saliva on the supplied slide first thing in the morning, allow it to dry, focus the provided mini-microscope, and look at the pattern. If it’s fern-like (matching a sample provided), ovulation is occurring. Be sure to read the instructions carefully, as well as the information about MaybeMOM provided in the package. MaybeMOM is the only saliva-based ovulation test of its kind to receive FDA clearanceand proven to be 98% accurate.

To learn more about saliva-based ovulation testing, readers can visit the web, at To discuss these issues personally, you can call the Author, Helen Denise toll free at 866-214-9900.