September 30, 2024

Improve Male Fertility

It has been observed that if a couple is not able to conceive then first they focus females for the check up. But it has been observed that male fertility issue is a major problem and half of the couples are not able to conceive due to male infertility problems. Male fertility reflects the overall health of the man. If a man is healthy then he is able to produce healthy sperm. Male fertility depends upon various factors like hormonal regulation, physical fitness, mental stress, psychological issues and many more. Male fertility also depends on the health of testicles.
Male fertility problems can be caused due to damage to testicles health. If there is damage to the testicles then a male cannot produce sperms. Once the testicles are damaged it becomes tough to repair the same. Damaged testicles are similar to the problem of menopause which is caused to females and that is irreversible. The other male fertility issue is production of low quantity of sperm and low quality sperm production. Low quality and low quantity sperm production can be treated but the major issue comes when sperm production only stops and that happen due to damaged testicles.
Male fertility can be maintained healthy if one avoids the habits which can lead to problems related to overall health of reproductive system. Let’s see the causes of male infertility problems;
1) Smoking – inhaling tobacco not only damages your lungs but it affects the sperm morphology, motility, count and its overall health.
2) Drinking alcohol – It not only damages your liver but also is a major problem of male infertility.
3) Usage of anabolic steroid drugs – it damages the testicle by shrinking it and leads to male infertility.
4) Excess of intense exercise – intense exercise leads to production of elevated levels of adrenal steroid hormones which suppresses the production of testosterone and leads to male infertility.
5) Inadequate vitamins – Vitamin C and Zinc are very important for overall health of the sperm
6) Underwear – if an individual wears tight underwear that leads to increase in scrotal temperature and that leads to decrease in production of sperms.
7) Heavy metals – if a person comes in daily contact of heavy metals or radioactive substances, radiation, paint, pesticides, benzene, boron then also it can lead to male infertility.
8) Stress – if stress levels are more at offices due to hectic schedules that can affect the overall health of reproductive system.
9) Nutrition – malnutrition and low level of hemoglobin is a cause of male infertility.
10) Drugs – a person consuming drugs like caffeine and others are harmful for overall health.
Avoid above things to keep away the problems associated with male infertility. Male fertility can be kept healthy by having good food, air and enough drinking of water. So be healthy so that you can also enjoy parenthood in a healthy manner.