September 30, 2024

The Basics Of Getting Pregnant

There are many people who get pregnant even if they don’t want to get pregnant, and others who try so much, but can never get pregnant. Those who don’t get pregnant are of the impression that a few sessions of unprotected sex promises pregnancy. However, they pretty soon find out that this is not always the case. And this is when they start wondering if something’s wrong with their fertility.

To understand the secret of pregnancy, it is better to learn about the ovulation period of a woman. Women ovulate once a month wherein the ovum lasts for about twelve hours. It is within this time span that it has to be fertilized as otherwise it will dry up, and be difficult to fertilize. So considering this fact, you can tell that just having unprotected sex for three months is not sufficient to become pregnant. It is only when you have sex during this period is it possible to become pregnant; this proves to be a miracle that a person can actually get pregnant in such circumstances!

Today, teenagers are always worried of getting pregnant with having unprotected sex. They are of the impression that having unprotected sex leads to pregnancy, and once they decide to have children, but don’t get pregnant with unprotected sex, they think if they are infertile or not! So basically, it is very important for you to learn about the process of pregnancy, and how the male and the female bodies when together. With this information, the chances of getting pregnant are greatly improved.

By knowing some information linked to when you ovulate in a month, how it is possible to increase or decrease the potency of the sperm in the man, and also learning about the foods that are good for conception can all help in making you pregnant. In fact, with this information there is a lower chance of you falling into depression, thinking that you are not able to conceive a baby. This itself fosters a renewed interest in getting pregnant, and thus helps in the conception process.

So those of you out there who complain of not being able to get pregnant, even with having unprotected sex for three months, these are the tips, and steps to be taken. The main thing is to keep both your mind and body healthy by following healthy eating habits, not drinking alcohol, not smoking and no drug taking. It is also better to avoid prescription drugs whenever possible.

If you smoke, the fetus is damaged in the first few days of existence, and with this, the chances of getting pregnant is greatly reduced for both the man and woman. The drugs cannabis and marijuana act like natural contraceptives wherein the sperm’s traveling ability is reduced by up to 50%. Find out the period where you ovulate. If you look at things this way, the best time to have sex would be a few hours before ovulation actually takes place.

It may be surprising to some, and disheartening to others to learn that ejaculating repeatedly only lowers the male sperm count. So to make sure you maintain a healthy sperm count, you have to make no more than once every 2 or 3 days. It is not good wearing tight male underwear as this only reduces the production of sperms in the testicles. So avoid this whenever possible.