September 29, 2024

Acupuncture And Fertility – The Best Treatment For Infertility?

Acupuncture has a long and glorious history in the Eastern world. Its been applied for centuries in the treatment of an endless variety of ailments, diseases and conditions. From painful periods to the common cold; from insomnia to hypertension; furthermore its application in fertility treatment is now widely accepted as a viable opportunity for both male and female.

Is Fertility and Infertility Treatment A Recent Use For Acupuncture?

Well, the simple answer is no, it isn’t. You see, Acupuncture treatments have been around for many thousands of years and acupuncture and have been partners since the beginning of the therapy – thousands of years, in fact.

Thankfully there are a great many couples that can stand and testify to the difference that acupuncture made to their lives. For these people, for one reason or the other, the traditional methods of treatment for infertility have proved unsuccessful.

You are right to think that many western medical professionals treat acupuncture for infertility with a degree of scepticism and using acupuncture for fertility is often the final straw for couples that have explored every other traditional avenue.

Can Acupuncture Really Make You More Fertile?

A person who is fit and healthy and has a personal sense of well-being and is in a good state of mind is more likely to be fertile than a person who is feeling poorly, sick and depressed. Worrying over ones fertility can make you even less fertile.

Not as such, but it does help you achieve an optimum state of health and wellbeing. Most conventional doctors would agree that this is advisable to give you and your partner the best chance of conceiving.

Essentially, acupuncture therapy is simply the use of tiny, fine needles inserted into the skin at points on the body know as “meridian points”. The amazing fact of this treatment is that it brings about a high level of relaxation. It is the perfect de-stressor and is able to bring about a deep sense of relaxation – perfect for raising the level of ones fertility.

Is Acupuncture the Final Solution to Infertility?

The therapy has long been a source of help to many couple but there is no single be-all-and-end-all solution to infertility. Yet many women decide to have acupuncture treatments as well as conventional fertility treatments. They seek to optimise their chances of falling pregnant and to assist their natural fertility in the best way they can.

The whole belief behind acupuncture is that the body is full of energy – called chi – which causes problems if it does not flow correctly. The acupuncturist finds those points, which are causing stress and disharmony, and treats them with the needles to restore the body’s natural balance.

However, as with many alternative therapies; there is no exact, scientific data to prove its worth but many desperate women, definitive proof isn’t necessary.