October 2, 2024

Boost Your Fertility And Save Your Sanity Too!

Anyone who’s felt the frustration of trying to get pregnant without success knows exactly what I’m talking about. There are millions of books, and even more theories on how to optimize your fertility. Whether you just started, or you’ve been at it for a while, the whole thing can be overwhelming. Sometimes it can be downright disheartening. If that sounds like you, then today I’d like to introduce you to your new best friend: Your Fertility Journal!

Your Fertility Journal contains with in it not just a means to boost your fertility (by managing or eliminating stress,) but it might just save your sanity as well! Journaling is simple, inexpensive and you probably already know how to do it. If you aren’t convinced yet, let me give you five powerful reasons why you should start a Fertility Journal right now:

#1 Journal to Track Your Progress
You are making big changes in your life style, which might not immediately show results. You need a place to chronicle challenges you come up against, and record your response to those challenges. Let your Fertility Journal be a guiding map to where you’ve been, what you’ve tried, how it worked or didn’t.

#2 Journal to Engage With The Process
Journaling about your experiences will help you to shift from a “Goal-Oriented” approach to a “Process-Oriented” approach. Observing and recording your process allows you to detach yourself a little from the “Pass-Fail” world of getting pregnant, and helps you to cultivate a curious, experiential frame of mind. This one simple shift in perspective will help you to ride out the ups and downs of this process with minimal stress.

#3 Journal to Build Accountability
Consistent journaling is a powerful way to create accountability for yourself. It’s amazing how just knowing that you have to record your progress helps you do the things you’ve been putting off. Your Fertility Journal can keep you clear, focused and on track.

#4 Journal to Let Your Pent-Up Emotions Out
Trying to get pregnant is an emotional thing, and you’re going to have your ups and downs. Your Fertility Journal welcomes your emotion. It doesn’t get tired of hearing the same sorrows day after day, and it doesn’t hold you to anything that you might say. You are doing something big, and there are going to be big feelings around it. Let your Fertility Journal be a safe place to let them out!

#5 Journal To Connect with Your Spirit
For spiritual women who are trying to get pregnant, bringing your faith, your consciousness, to this process is huge! Whatever religion or spiritual tradition you practice, if you have not fully engaged the power of your faith into your journey to conceive, then you are crippling yourself before you’ve even begun. Use your Fertility Journal as a spiritual opportunity to meet your Soul and call upon That Which You Hold Most Powerful to assist you in your journey.

Hopefully, as you read the top five reasons to start a Fertility Journal you’ve begun to sense the possibilities. We both know the more you struggle, the less likely you are to conceive and your journey doesn’t have to be a struggle!

Take a minute to reprioritize your process – Let your sanity and your Soul have a chance to weigh in! This is a huge undertaking and you could really use them! Make Fertility Journaling a daily practice, even for only 10 minutes a day, every day, and watch your stress levels drop, and your sanity return. I promise you won’t regret it!