March 10, 2025

A New And Effective Solution For Sleep Apnea Problems

“Sleep disorders are becoming more and more common every year. In fact, there are millions of Americans who have at least one of these disorders. The most frequent sleep disorders are insomnia and snoring; however, the most dangerous disorder is sleep apnea. Sleep apnea occurs when a person stops breathing during the night for lapses of one minute.

There are three kinds of sleep apnea: obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea and mixed sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when there is an obstruction of the airway passages of your body. On the other hand, Central sleep apnea means that the airway passages are not blocked; instead, the brain is not able to properly control the muscles involved in breathing. Finally, mixed sleep apnea is a case when the two mentioned cases are combined.

How Sleep Apnea Disturb your Sleep
When people suffer sleep apnea and snoring problems, the brain wakes them up to make them recover breathing. This provokes continuous interruptions, disturbing your normal sleep pattern. In fact, your sleep becomes poor quality, making you feel extremely tired the next morning. All of this just because you did not sleep appropriately, thus you will lack of the necessary energy you require to achieve your daily tasks on your office, at school, or any other type of activity such as playing sports or working at home.

Specialists in sleep disorders recommend that people with sleep apnea should stay away from central nervous system depressants such as alcoholic drinks, sedatives and drugs. Besides, doctors recommend surgery for specific cases, only when patients have a narrowing of the airway passages produced by anatomical defects. Doctors also recommend that people who need help to relieve sleep apnea snoring should use a sleep apnea pillow.

How to Relieve Sleep Apnea and Sleep Comfortably
Currently, more and more doctors are recommending sleep apnea pillows since these products can effectively help. Among the myriad sleep apnea pillows available nowadays, the Better Sleep Pillow is considered a very helpful orthopedic pillow because it is specifically developed to aid people with sleep disorders like sleep apnea. In fact, this sleep apnea pillow effectively helps you reduce snoring and alleviate sleep apnea episodes.
The best about the Better Sleep Pillow is that it has a special shape that adapts to your sleeping needs. So, you can use it even if you sleep on your side, on your stomach or on your back. How? Better Sleep Pillow uniformly distributes the weight of the upper part of your body, reducing the strain on your arm, shoulder and neck. Therefore, you will keep the head, neck, and spine in a proper position. By doing so, you will breathe well again because your airway passages will be open in a healthy way, making you breathe without interruptions the whole night, alleviating snoring and sleep apnea.

The Better Sleep Pillow is very helpful for people who used to have snoring problems and sleep apnea. In fact, some users have reported that they couldn’t sleep comfortably for years because they used to wake up during the night repeatedly. This memory foam sleep pillow has made their lives much easier, especially when it is time to sleep.”