March 10, 2025

A Quick Tip For Releasing Stress & Anxiety

I think it’s safe to say that these are some of most stressful times that people have endured in recent memory. The economy… job stability… world unrest… the financial markets, all lend themselves to excellent news copy but do little to ease the mind of the average person trying their best to exist in an unsteady, unsure world.

The constant daily hammering of bad news raises the stress level of most people way beyond tolerance levels. However, stress is not new to our lives. Even before the present world situation, stress was the target of many medical and natural health studies. As a matter of fact, several medical journals reported that primary care physicians believed that 95% of all of the cases presented had a root cause in stress.

I am always surprised at people’s typical response to stress. That is, most often they try to compensate for unyielding stress by working harder and longer. In short, they do the very thing that has contributed most to their stress levels.

Here is a short tip to help you manage stress levels.

First, recognize that all stress is internal stress. Regardless of the situation… regardless of the crisis you are facing… the truth is stress is actually caused by how you relate to the stimulus create by the event and not the event itself. Change that, change those internal thoughts and you affect your stress level.

With this in mind you can see the importance of learning to refocus how you internalize stress and that automatically affects your stress level. Often people report that this is too difficult when the negative thoughts just keep repeating themselves over and over again. I agree. Until you have trained your mind to do so, shutting down unwanted thoughts can be a considerable challenge.

Another approach is to use some program or device to help with this process. A good choice would be a program that would, encourage and guide you to refocus your thoughts toward relaxation. Audio programs make an excellent choice for this. And the newer technology you find with the new audio programs makes them even more efficient.

These programs introduce various sounds at certain vibrational frequencies that help produce different levels of brain activity. The results they produce can be very profound. And in a relative short period of time, your thoughts begin to calm down and you begin to relax.

Most scientists, medical and natural health practitioners will tell you that you can accomplish so much more in a relaxed state. You are open to more subconscious resources, more intuitive impressions, the thoughts and ideas of others (the very basis of what is called, the “Master Mind”-the core of creativity).

Depending on the program, you might spend ten to twenty minutes listening to an audio program. However, the results are much more lasting. In addition to the beneficial mental and emotional results, reduced stress means more efficient bodily functions, a better metabolic response, and a more cheerful outlook on life, more optimistic, slower aging and the ability for your body to heal at a much quicker rate.