March 9, 2025

A Sleep Apnea Machine Is For Treating Sleep Apnea

A Sleep Apnea Machine Is For Treating Sleep Apnea
by farah hughes

Sleep apnea is affecting millions of American and people all over the world. What is sleep apnea? It happens when a patient sleep is interrupted due to lack of oxygen and other factors. Another cause is when the muscle in the throat relaxes too much causing limited air to pass through the throat. When this happpens while the patient is sleeping, he is forced to wake up to breath in some oxygen.

The signals sent to control our breathing is controlled by our brain. The type of sleep apnea we are looking at now is related to interrupted signals sent by the brain to control our breathing. When this happens, the person will wake up for a while due to the shortage of oxygen. This process is repeated for so many times in a night. It is also common for some patients to have sleep apnea due to lack of oxygen and the tightening of the throat muscles.

Having looking at the problems faced by people suffering from sleep apnea, they still have hope to get treated. Usually a doctor will recommend a sleep apnea machine in order for them to sleep soundly again.

How Does A Sleep Apnea Machine Work?

In order to help the patients sleep, the doctor may suggest a sleep apnea machine. There is not only one type of sleep apnea machine in the market, but a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure is one that is usually used. Remember the problem occurs due to lack of oxygen so this sleep apnea machine which is not small where a mask is put over the nose, and it is through the mask that oxygen is pumped at a steady rate.

An oral device that is made to fit into a patient’s mouth is another type of sleep apnea treatment. It works by pulling the jaw apart and the intentions is to open the throat. It is smaller and easier to handle than the bigger version of sleep apnea machine. The good thing about it is that it can be made working properly after some trial and error.

No matter what type of sleep apnea device is suggested, don’t just stop using it if it is uncomfortable. Make sure to contact your physician if it is uncomfortable before deciding to stop using it. Sleep apnea can be treated, if non-surgical means are not working than it may be time to look into surgery. Surgery may be needed if a patient has something obstructing their airway.

Sleep apnea can be a serious condition and should be evaluated by a physician to find the right course of treatment for a patient.