March 14, 2025

Assembly Line Ivf Procedure Not At Xpert Fertility Care Of California, The Best Fertility

There are a terms, “batching” or “batch’ em”, used by many fertility doctors to imply a protocol where infertility patients are grouped together into a , you guess it, batch, like a batch of products on the assembly line, or a herd of cattle at a meat factory. This fact may hurt your feeling but it’s true! In a batch of IVF cycle, a group of females are placed on birth control pill to force everyone into having the same menstrual cycle within few days from each other, regardless of their natural biorhythm. Doing this, the patients then can be processed by nursing staff instead of the fertility doctors. Just like any industry, the trick is to effectively cut down the overhead cost and generate more income to ivf center due to large volume of patients. If a fertility clinic “do” hundreds or even thousands cases of IVF procedures a year, you bet that they all batch patients. There are however, circumstances where patients must be placed on birth control pill if she has hormonal imbalance, or in cases of egg donation when the menstrual cycles of the egg donor an the recipients must be synchronized. Majority of patients should do fine on batching IVF procedure but not in patients who has diminished ovarian reserve will end up most of the time, not getting pregnant! NOT at Xpert Fertility Care, the best fertility clinic of California, where each patient is treated as “an individual” not a number. Their volume of patient isrelatively small, allowing the fertility doctor to pay attention to each patient’s IVF case in fine details. Their IVF success rates is therefore, very high. Xpert Fertility Care of California is considered as the best fertility clinic of California, because of the following outstanding factors: With two most reputable and advanced fertility clinics and ivf center in San Diego, and Orange County, the fertility program includes some of California’s leaders in infertility treatment and reproductive health and is a pioneer in the development and implementation of new procedures and cutting edge technology in the infertility field with best equipments as well as best laboratories
Full spectrum of infertility, IVF treatments: Another important reason the ivf centers and fertility clinics of Xpert Fertility Care of California is well known world wide is the unmatched IVF treatment options for straight as well as gay and lesbian patients: ovulation induction, IUI, IVF, ICSI, PGD with Sex Selection, IVF Egg Donation, Egg Bank, and Egg Freezing.
The fertility clinics of Xpert Fertility Care of California, led by Dr. Minh N. Ho, board certified in Reproductive Endocrinology, has one of the highest success rates in the country for couples battling infertility. Over 1,000 babies have been born as a result of the IVF and IUI procedures, and over 75 born from egg donation. Service motto: There are many clinics that are working just with the motive of earning as much profit as possible. Such practice is not at all applicable at Xpert Fertility Care of California. The main motto of this clinic is to provide relief to the patient. All other motives come secondary for this clinic. So it is very important to choose the best fertility clinic prudently; you should go to Xpert Fertility Care the best ivf center in San Diego, Orange County, California.