September 24, 2024

Advantages Offered By A Laughter Yoga Class

Laughter is the easiest form of meditation and it brings instant relaxation to your body. Dr. Lee Berk of California labels laughter as a state ...
Posted in Stress Management

Quit Smoking Mathematically

Have you tried to stop smoking without cutting back first, only to smoke again a day or even minutes later? Many health practitioners will tell ...
Posted in Smoking Cessation

Sleep Apnea A Kind Of Sleep Disorder Will Solve All Of Your Troubles

Sleep apnea a kind of sleep disorder is a disease that occur when a person face from breathing problem during sleep. Many persons suffer in ...
Posted in Sleep

Stress Management And Burnout Prevention Tips

Stress management and burnout in an exclusive way, do go hand in hand. Think about all the stressful things that one can go through every ...
Posted in Stress Management

Making Your Stop Smoking Resolution A Reality

Its that time of the year again! New year is the time of celebrations, festivities and indulgences and of course, resolutions. Perhaps one resolution that ...
Posted in Smoking Cessation

Improved Sleep Habits With Improved Sleep Hygiene

Okay, so it sounds a bit ridiculous, but there truly is such a term as sleep hygiene. As you truly understand the meaning of sleep ...
Posted in Sleep

Alleviate Your Work Pressure Through Stress Management Courses

For any business, the management team is always on the frontage lines. You have trusted them to handle almost everything, from employee efficiency to customer ...
Posted in Stress Management

Effects Of Stop Smoking – Enrich Your Life In More Ways Than One

Even if you are a chain smoker, who cannot live for fifteen minutes together without smoking a cigarette, you will be knowing full well how ...
Posted in Smoking Cessation

What Is Sleep Apnea Disorder?

Were you aware that as many as 1 out of 15 people in the United States suffer from sleep apnea sickness?. This number could even ...
Posted in Sleep

Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques are an enormous way to help you quest for stress management. Relaxation isn’t just about peace of mind or enjoying a hobby. Relaxation ...
Posted in Stress Management