March 16, 2025

Boost Your Fertility And Simplify Your Life With Five Quick And Easy Tricks!

If you are trying to get pregnant, then you’ve probably read the wealth of books available on the subject, and, if you are anything like me, you’re probably a tad overwhelmed. So many suggestions to implement, so many dietary shifts, and so many life style adjustments — it’s easy to become confused!

The best thing you can do right now is simplify, simplify, SIMPLIFY! Take a few minutes (and a little thought) to make it easy on yourself with five quick tricks to simplify (and fortify) your fertility!

1. Water, Water, Everywhere!
You want to make it as easy as you can to drink as much water as you need. Make sure you always have lots of fresh, pure, tasty water easily within reach where you can see it. A water glass in each room will remind you to build water drinking into your daily routine until it’s a basic habit, like brushing your teeth. Your hormones rely upon water to work, so make it easy on yourself to give them what they need!

2. Strengthen Your Hormonal Cycles with Sleep!
You (and your hormones) need deep restful sleep in as dark a room as you can manage every single night. There have been studies that indicate even the light from a clock radio can disturb your hormonal cycle, so take 15 minutes tonight and make sure your bedroom is completely dark before you go to sleep. Put tape over that clock radio if you have to! Your hormones will thank you!

3. Start a Fertility Journal!
A Fertility Journal will give you a place to explore feelings and record your progress. Keep it where you can see it with several pens nearby so you don’t have to go searching! Write in it every day and watch your stress subside!

4. Simply Your Supplements!
Most women trying to get pregnant fortify their diets with supplements. Don’t let the sheer volume and variety of supplements sabotage you! Go out today and get a simple supplement organizer to keep you on schedule. It takes about ten minutes to fill it up each week, and you can count on it to keep you on track!

5. Fortify your Fridge for Fertility!
Dietary shifts can be daunting, so take a half hour and make it easy on yourself. Dump (or hide) all the foods you are supposed to be avoiding (processed sugars, caffeine, etc.) and put all the fertility foods right out in front where you can see them. If you need to, do the prep work in advance so you can have them packaged up and ready to eat when you open that fridge door. Thirty minutes of planning, once a week, goes a long way to simplify your dietary shifts!