March 13, 2025

Cal State’s Plan To Distribute Condoms Via Newspaper Shelved

Stephanie Birditt, the Advertising Sales Director for Cal State Fullerton’s college newspaper, the Daily Titan, recently came up with what was considered at the time to be a savvy marketing move – partnered with the Student Health Center, and advertised across campus, the newspaper would include a free condom with every issue of the November 14th paper.
The idea behind the free condom event was to raise awareness about safe sex on campus and highlight the benefits and services of the local Health Center on campus. According to the Daily Titan editors, the giveaway was part of an important initiative on the campus to raise awareness about safe sex among young college students.
The brilliant idea, however, quickly dissolved into a bit of a PR nightmare for the school when administrators for both the college and the Health Center took issue with some of the advertising that the paper was doing for the free condom event. Marketing material showing two stick figures in missionary position was deemed offensive by the Health Center and they quickly backed out of the deal, saying that they did not want to be associated with any offensive imagery.
In addition, the Dean of Students Bob Palmer took issue with the idea, and recommended that the paper include a free condom coupon inside the paper instead of an actual condom. This coupon could then be taken to the campus Health Center and, from there, they would pass out the free condoms.
As an online condom retailer, does not adopt any specific political viewpoint or take a stance on controversial issues. We leave that up to others. However, as this issue directly concerns condom distribution which is at the core of our business, I do feel that we can comment on the issue from an experienced viewpoint.
Plainly put, there are valid arguments to back up both the newspaper’s and the Health Center’s actions. Without a doubt, the advertising matertial created by the newspaper in advance of the distribution of the Nov 14 issue should have been run by the Health Center to make sure that they approved of it. While I’m sure many people may have found the advertising humorous, the goal of this particular ad campaign should have been to educate and garner broad appeal. When trying to education the entire student population on such an important topic, it’s important to not risk alienating some of that population by using imagery or humor that they may find offensive. As such, I think this giveaway idea was smart, but poorly executed in its advertising. Advertising safe sex is not the same as advertising sex one is an adult issue while the other is a public health issue. This advertising campaign failed to differentiate between the two.
More importantly however, the idea WAS smart, and these bright students should not be penalized or chastised for taking up what most consider to be a very worthy cause educating and protecting the student population from sexually transmitted diseases. That is the most important function of a college newspaper to help spark ideas and educate the student population on matters that are important to them. Safe sex is one of the most important issues among any student population. Studies have shown college students to be among the most sexually active demographics in America, and many if not most do not have as much knowledge as they should about safe sex.
This innovative marketing event will help spark conversation and awareness about safe sex, and the Daily Titan should be commended for their part in adding to the discussion. While the idea was not perfectly executed, the administrators of both the college and the Health Center should have been there to support and encourage their students’ ideas, not just throw cold water on it and bail out of their agreement at the first sign of any problems. Universities are founded on the concept of the free exchange of ideas and opinions, and college newspapers are the voice of their student population. Administrators should not work to muzzle that voice when they begin to talk about an issue as important as safe sex.
For more information visit: Cal State’s Plan to Distribute Condoms via Newspaper Shelved