September 21, 2024

Safe Sex : Prepare For Every Possibility

The use of condoms is a reliable and effective method for preventing unexpected pregnancies. The use of condoms with other forms of birth control is ...
Posted in Family Fitness

Free Condom Distribution In College Paper Won’t Happen

A college in California was planning on giving out free condoms in their daily newspaper. At Cal State Fullerton, there was supposed to be an ...
Posted in Family Fitness

Morning After Pill Side Effects

The use of morning after pill raises the risk of an ectopic pregnancy. In such a pregnancy, the embryo gets lodged in the fallopian tubes ...
Posted in Family Fitness

5 Things A Woman Should Know About Getting Pregnant After 30

As Founder of MaybeMOM, I’ve worked with many doctors to gather accurate information to help women over thirty plan their families and avoid the fears ...
Posted in Family Fitness

The Pros And Cons Of The Vasectomy

Most couples at some point in their lives are faced with the issue of contraception. Once you have the number of children you’d planned on ...
Posted in Family Fitness

Birth Control While Breastfeeding

Can a woman get pregnant when she’s nursing? How can you prevent pregnancy and not harm the baby? Here are the facts that nursing and ...
Posted in Family Fitness

History Of Birth Control Pill

A major achievement in the history of medical science was the introduction of Birth control pills. It was a bon for the women who faced ...
Posted in Family Fitness

16 Year-old Jamie Lynn Spears Is Pregnant

Being from Los Angeles, I get more than my fair share of daily Hollywood gossip and I’ve become pretty numb to it by now. But ...
Posted in Family Fitness

Condom Quality : How Are Condoms Tested?

Before being put into production for the masses to use, cars get crash tested, software applications go through user and quality tests on a test ...
Posted in Family Fitness

World Aids Day 2007

Since its inception in 1998, World AIDS Day has fought strongly to gain awareness, support and money to promote its campaign to educate the masses ...
Posted in Family Fitness