September 20, 2024

Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy has always been seen as a problem of the western world but the hard reality is that it exists as much in our ...
Posted in Family Fitness

The Effectiveness Of Different Contraceptive Methods

Women use different birth control methods these days without even realizing that using contraceptive methods simply is not enough. There are some rules associated with ...
Posted in Family Fitness

Female Sterilization The Techniques And Outcomes

Surgical sterilization in females is quite popular in both developed as well as developing countries. Different procedures followed for the contraception have different outcomes depending ...
Posted in Family Fitness

How Easy Is It To Get Pregnant

Some women find it hard to get pregnant and conceive a baby that will soon brighten up their lives. They have done excruciating tasks and ...
Posted in Family Fitness

Accutane The Big Controversy

What is Acne? a chronic disorder characterized by excess production of oil from sebaceous glands causing of the hair follicles to become plugged. Pimples, papules, ...
Posted in Family Fitness

The Benefits Of Using Contraceptive Patches And Ring

The inception of hormonal contraceptives clearly revolutionized the traditional idea about birth control. The contraceptive pills, containing artificial sex hormones that control the reproductive process, ...
Posted in Family Fitness

The Birth Control Pill As A Type Of Contraception

People who are sexually active from a young age and even married couples know the importance of using a safe contraception method. For a long ...
Posted in Family Fitness

Adiva Ivf Advanced Fertility Center Solve Pregnancy Problems Affordably

Elizabeth Stone once quoted that Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking ...
Posted in Family Fitness

Cancer And Oral Contraceptives

The most commonly prescribed oral medications contain a synthetic version of naturally-occurring female hormones, oestrogen and progestogen. These synthetic hormones are similar to the ones ...
Posted in Family Fitness

The Changing Face Of The Pharmaceutical Industry

Fill prescriptions and hand out pills? If only it were that simple! Those who pursue a pharmacy profession perhaps might have cause to wonder just ...
Posted in Family Fitness