September 20, 2024

Are You Eating Too Much?

Unlike alcohol or cigarettes, food is something that everyone has access to, and is expected to take part in. While developing an addiction to food ...
Posted in Smoking Cessation

Quitting Smoking? Here’s How To Get Started

If you’re a smoker, there will come a point in your life, and it may even be now, that you will seriously be thinking of ...
Posted in Smoking Cessation

Quitting Smoking Does Not Have To Be This Hard

Nicotine is a highly addictive drug. Once the smoker gets addicted to it, the addiction is difficult to break. Despite the serious health consequences, smokers ...
Posted in Smoking Cessation

Up From The Ashes Your Body’s Ability To Recover After Years Of Smoking

The human body is an incredible thing. Even after years of smoking, your system can mount a strong recovery; it’s possible you will even enjoy ...
Posted in Smoking Cessation

What Makes Smoking Such An Addictive Habit?

Nicotine acts as a stimulant, and there is also evidence that it functions on the enjoyment centre of the brain. It does this by stimulating ...
Posted in Smoking Cessation

Three Ways To Quit Smoking That Actually Work

A lot of smokers spend time thinking of how to stop smoking and how they can do it. Most people are well aware of all ...
Posted in Smoking Cessation

Lose Weight And Quit Smoking Through Miami Hypnotists

Your family or friends may have given an advice to you to quit smoking, reduce weight, be happy, remove the stress in your life, be ...
Posted in Smoking Cessation

Smoker’s Prayer

I am a nonsmoker and much of my work is dedicated to helping smokers become nonsmokers, but my father Julius Saltz smoked from the age ...
Posted in Smoking Cessation

Begin Your Journey To Be Smoke-free With These Great Ideas

Some people think quitting smoking is a matter of throwing away their tobacco and using their willpower to overcome cravings. These things can help, but ...
Posted in Smoking Cessation

Breaking The Habit: The Stop Smoking Journal

Today you’re going to do those badly needed repairs to your roof. You start by putting all your tools and supplies together. You do this ...
Posted in Smoking Cessation