March 14, 2025

Choosing The Right Fertility Specialist

Many women each and every day seek the advice and treatment of a fertility specialist in an attempt to conceive and carry a child of their own. There really is no miracle on earth that can quite compare to the birth of a child. Women in every nation will agree to the awe and wonder that can only come from bringing a new life into the world. For many women, that miracle seems like a very distant dream.

The good news is that there are fertility specialists who have devoted their entire medical practices and livelihood to making this dream a reality for these women so that the miracle of pregnancy and childbirth are available to a much greater segment of the population than in times past.

Fertility specialist must go through years of advanced study in order to bear that title. It is also important to remember that if you are noticing difficulty in conceiving that seeing a fertility specialist early on rather than later can save you both time and money in the long run. Specialists have knowledge of and experience with treatments that a general OB/GYN may not have experience with or be qualified to provide. Your chances of conceiving while under the care of a specialist are much greater than if you go it alone or with someone not really qualified in this particular area of medical practice.

There are several things that you should really look for in a fertility specialist and the first of those things is whether or not he or she seems to have a genuine concern for your ability to conceive. You want to feel that you are your doctors primary concern. Since this is a field of specialists and there is so much advanced training involved this will rarely be an issue but if it is, I suggest not going any further than introductions. You should also find out if he or she is a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist. Another question to ask is how long he or she has been treating infertility, if there are any advanced technologies his or her clinic offers, and when and where he or she received his or her training.

If you notice behavior that leads you to believe you are no longer the priority you feel you should be, you should begin seeking other options for fertility specialists. This is also true if your specialist encourages you to remain on a treatment that obviously isn’t working after several cycles, neglects to properly monitor your blood tests, or often forgets which treatment you are actually undergoing or needs to be reminded about details of your treatment plan.

When trying to conceive you are really the only one who is qualified to stand up for yourself. Now is a great time to develop those skills and tendencies, as you will be doing it for your tiny miracle for the next 60 or so years if you are fortunate. Do not be railroaded into a corner or intimidated by medical jargon. Make sure you understand what is going on and what will happen next if this doesn’t work. Push for information and details so that you aren’t waiting alone on the dark.