March 10, 2025

Cognitive Distortions And Stress Management

Stress can affect every aspect of life in general. That is why it is essential that people learn a bit of stress management since the experience can sometimes be inevitable. A little bit of stress now and then can sometimes be helpful in that it keeps a person be conditioned to react when certain unexpected circumstances happen. But this is the type of stress that one can easily cope up with. On the other hand, experiencing too much stress can have adverse effects on the body.

There are many ways that people do to try and cope up with stress. One of the most common but certainly not the quickest means is by changing a person’s mindset. It has been known that how a person thinks greatly affects his behavior and actions. If a person always thinks negatively, behavior seems likely to follow the same way. And when a person’ s way of thinking and behavior is based on negativity, it is more likely that stress becomes an ever present companion in every aspect of life. In order to stop stress from becoming a damaging factor in one’s life, then one has to get rid of all the negativity in terms of behavior and thinking.

One way of trying to get rid of the negativity in one’s mindset is by trying to identify There is a form of stress therapy called cognitive restructuring which deals with identifying and changing a person’s faulty thinking and unrealistic beliefs. Cognitive distortions is another term used to refer to these faulty thinking and beliefs. By correcting these distortions, only then can one be able to change one’s way of thinking.

People make use of different cognitive distortions which can be associated with stress. These are faulty thinking and beliefs that lead people to behave or act in a negative way. And there are several cognitive distortions that are common problems in many people. One of them is overgeneralization.

Overgeneralization is a common cognitive distortion among many people. Some may not be aware of it, but a lot of people are always guilty of overgeneralizing. It can be considered as a normal reaction by some. But too much of it can lead one to stress.

It is normal for people to base judgments on past experiences. When a person has experienced a negative event, it then becomes a factor that one naturally tries to relate other succeeding negative events of the same kind. This is why most people tend to develop stereotypes. But then overgeneralizing tends to make people believe that when experiencing a certain situation, all the other similar situations in the future would result in the exact same way.

People overgeneralize by thinking that there would be no difference in terms of results to similar situations that happen in the past to ones that happen in the present or in the future. When one has an experience with a rude salesperson, an overgeneralizer would judge that all salespersons are also rude.

Another common distortion in most people that is corrected in stress management is the trait of always jumping into conclusions. There are many people who, when faced with a certain situation tend to jump into making conclusions of why certain events happen. This is usually made before any evidence has been taken to back up the conclusion. For every negative situation, people with this cognitive distortion often try to go straight into concluding in the negative.

This can become so bad that people easily accepts the conclusion, even to the point of ignoring signs and evidences that prove the contrary.