March 12, 2025

Common Questions About Fertility Treatments

Here are the answers to some common questions about fertility treatments…

Q. How often is fertility treatment successful?

A. Following treatment, there is generally a 66 percent chance that infertility will be eliminated and the female partner will eventually give birth to a child.

Q. Are fertility treatments available for men as well as women?

A. Yes, because both men and woman can be infertile. It is fairly common for this to affect men; in approximately 33 percent of couples, infertility is caused by the male partner.

Q. What does IVF mean?

A. In Vitro Fertilization is the process of placing fertile eggs within the female partner’s uterus. It is a type of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART).

Q. What is ART?

A. Assisted Reproductive Technology encompasses a variety of methods used by fertility treatment centers, although it does not include all available treatments.

Q. What common non-ART fertility treatments are offered?

A. Artificial insemination and treatments aimed at increasing egg generation are also provided. These do not involve the removal of eggs from the female partner.

Q. How long should couples attempt to bring about pregnancy before seeking fertility treatments?

A. Generally, they should try for a minimum of twelve months. If the female partner is over thirty years old, this recommendation may be reduced to six months.

Q. Do health insurance companies pay for fertility treatments?

A. Some health insurers cover treatments for infertility, others do not. Separate infertility insurance is available. Also, childbirth may or may not be covered by insurance.

Q. Are fertility treatments always necessary to eliminate infertility problems?

A. No; sometimes these issues may be corrected by making changes to a person’s behavior, lifestyle, or environment. Such changes can be simple or difficult, depending upon the individual.

Q. Are medicines available for treating infertility?

A. Yes, medication is one of the common non-surgical treatments. These medicines can be prescribed at fertility treatment centers as well.

Q. Is there any potential for adverse effects caused by infertility medication?

A. As with other prescription drugs, there is a potential for side effects. indicates that some possible effects include headaches, soreness, and cysts.

Q. Can fertility treatments cause multiple pregnancies?

A. Yes, such treatment increases the potential for twins, triplets, or other multiple births, although efforts are being taken to diminish this effect. Such pregnancies involve increased risks.

Q. Is treatment for infertility tax deductible?

A. In the U.S., some treatments are potentially tax deductible. However, the IRS only permits medical deductions if they exceed a certain percentage of a person’s income.

Q. Where are fertility treatment centers located?

A. Fertility treatment centers can be found in most large cities and some small to medium sized cities. They are located in places such as Atlanta (GA), Denver (CO), Lewiston (ME), and Madison (WI).

Q. What if I have additional questions about fertility treatments?

A. A wide variety of relevant information can be obtained from the Internet, various books, and medical doctors in your area.