March 14, 2025

Common Sleep Disorders That Can Plague Anyone

Sleep disorders are everywhere today, no matter who you are, you probably have or are suffering from one. Sometimes, you can be suffering from a sleep disorder and not even know that you have one. Anything that disrupts the sleep patterns in your life is a sleep disorder. If they are not treated, they can actually cause other problems and disorders that can interfere with your psychological and emotional wellbeing. So, what are some of the most common sleep disorders that people suffer from and what do you need to look for? Here is a small list to help you recognize a sleep disorder in yourself or loved one:

Insomnia This disorder is the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep and affects millions of people world wide. This is by far the most common sleep problem.

Narcolepsy The disorder of falling asleep at any time or place without knowing or wanting to.

Night terrors The disorder where the person wakes up abruptly and is completely terrified of something in his or her dreams. This disorder goes hand in hand with sleepwalking.

Bruxism The disorder of involuntarily grinding ones teeth during sleep.

Jet lag The temporary disorder where one has trouble sleeping and getting back into a pattern after traveling quickly across time zones.

Restless legs syndrome This disorder makes the sleeper move his or her legs involuntarily during sleeping. The sleeper usually has a strong urge to constantly move his or her legs during the night without wanting to.

Rapid eye movement behavior disorder While this is not quite a common sleep disorder, the occurrences of it are rising. This disorder causes the sleeper to act out violently or dramatically their dreams while they are sleeping.

Sleep apnea This disorder is caused by an obstruction of the sleeper’s airway during sleep, causing them to stop breathing for a few seconds.

Sleepwalking This disorder causes the sleeper to do activities that they normally do while awake, such as walking, dressing, and eating, without knowing that they are doing the action.

There are literally thousands of sleep disorders that people all over the world suffer from They range from extremely mild to violent, if not controlled. If you are experiencing any type of sleep disorder, you should consult your doctor immediately to begin a treatment to help you sleep better at night. Most treatments begin with an over the counter remedy and can move up to prescriptions and testing to make sure that there is no underlying problem in the sleeper’s brain. There is no need to worry about a sleep disorder, as most are easily treated and usually go away on their own. If left untreated, these can begin to cause problems with motor functions, concentration, and other areas of your life during the day.

You can find out more about all the different sleeping disorders that plague people all over the world by searching through medical web sites on the Internet or by talking with your doctor. Both may be able to offer some great home remedies or over the counter help to get you sleep soundly once more.