March 14, 2025

Cpap Can Prevent Sleep Apnea And Snoring

Did you know that 45% of all adults snore occasionally, and 25% snore almost all the time? Males, overweight people, and older adults are more likely to suffer from problem snoring. Did you know CPAP can prevent sleep apnea (sleep apnoea) and snoring?

When there is an obstruction in the airflow through the passages located at the back of the nose and mouth, you make snoring sounds. It’s only in recent years that medical professionals have discovered the adverse effects of snoring and its association with sleep apnoea.

There are several methods being employed to alleviate snoring and sleep apnea which include UPPP or vulopalatopharyngoplasty, LAUP or Laser Assisted Uvula Palatoplasty, and CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure are all being used to reduce and eliminate sleep apnoea and snoring.

The most popular sleep apnea used today is CPAP. It works by delivering air into your airway using a special nasal mask. The mask creates enough pressure with the flow of air when you inhale that your airway is kept open. Doctors say that CPAP is the most effective non-surgical treatment that is available to eliminate sleep apnoea and snoring.

It is your otolaryngologist that will decide if the CPAP sleep apnea device is the right treatment for you. If it is, you will need to wear the nasal mask to bed each night. During treatment, don’t be surprised if your otolaryngologist asks you to undertake some lifestyle changes, such as exercising, losing weight, and quitting smoking if you are a smoker.

Before CPAP, the treatment for sleep apnea and snoring was much more invasive requiring a tracheotomy, which creates a temporary opening in your windpipe. Thankfully, that type of invasive treatment is extremely rare. When the CPAP sleep apnea device is used correctly, it has almost a 100% success rate in sleep apnoea and snoring elimination.

CPAP is not a cure, but rather a treatment. When used correctly for long term, CPAP, sleep apnoea device, is able to eliminate surgery for all but the most severe cases.

Is CPAP the right solution for your sleep apnea and snoring? Your otolaryngologist will make the final decision, but if you suffer from severe sleep apnoea and snoring, you will likely be a candidate if you answer yes to these conditions …
* Does your loud snoring disturb your family?
* Are you sleepy during the day?
* Does your snoring wake you up during the night?
* Is your breathing often obstructed at night?
* Are you tired in the morning?
* Do you wake up with headache?

Your otolaryngologist will also take your complete medical history; ask you some questions about your lifestyle and any cardiovascular conditions you might be suffering from. You will also be asked about your current medications.

If you are a suitable sleep apnoea and snoring candidate, you will first have to undergo a CPAP pressure set sleep study before you receive your nasal mask. Once you’ve had your sleep apnea device configured to your breathing, you and your mask will return home.

CPAP solves sleep apnea and snoring for almost everyone that uses this unique sleep apnoea device. Perhaps it’s time to let everyone in the house sleep easy?