March 12, 2025

Dealing With Fertility Problems

Getting pregnant is not always easy and there are couples who have to deal with fertility problems. But difficulty conceiving does not always mean you cannot get pregnant at all. There are couples who also took years to conceive. Some couples just continue to have unprotected intercourse in the hops that it will happen naturally, while others seek out various medical procedures for conception. But for those who are having trouble conceiving a child, they will have to both be checked in order to see if there is any problems with the reproductive systems or if it is a problem of fertility.

Take care of your genitals. If you want to get pregnant, one way to deal with fertility problems is to take care of your genitals. Do not use vaginal products that could destroy the normal healthy environment of your vagina. Artificial gels and vaginal sprays could have a bad effect on the environment around your vagina that could affect the entrance of sperm cells.

Getting pregnant during chemotherapy can cause serious defects in the unborn baby. So it is important not to get pregnant during this time. Further more it is also important that a man receiving chemotherapy will not make his partner pregnant since his sperms may be damaged and may cause birth defects. Infertility problems may be permanent, so it is impotent to talk with the physician and be informed as much as possible.

Infertility plan should be well managed by both man and woman if they were diagnosed with difficulties of producing their own siblings. Infertility treatment is applied depending whoever has infertility problem, it can be the male or the female. There are also cases in which infertility in both sides remain unexplained. Luckily, there are various kinds of infertility treatments that are available for both man and woman.

The first thing that you need to work on when you want to get pregnant is your diet and nutrition. Be sure that you are getting the nutrients that are known to provide great support to conception and giving birth. These nutrients include Vitamins such as Vitamin C and minerals such as Zinc which helps in better utilization of estrogen and progesterone. Folic acid is known to support a healthy pregnancy but it can also be taken by women wanting to conceive because it helps increase fertility. Iron supplements are advised for women who have anemia but still want to get pregnant.

Causes of Fertility in Women: There are multiple causes for fertility problems in both men and women. In half of the cases, there is a problem with the woman’s reproductive system. The could appears in the uterus or the fallopian tubes. The women could also have a problem with the release of the egg every month. About 35 percent of fertility problems are caused by the male reproductive system. The most common is a low sperm count or low motility. Progesterone and estrogen increased significantly in women receiving Vitamin C, but not in the untreated group. Moreover there was a significantly higher pregnancy rate in the Vitamin C group within 6 months of starting the treatment.