March 10, 2025

Do I Have To Do This Alone?

One of the hardest things to do is to quit smoking. And when you’re just beginning the journey as a non-smoker, you can feel very isolated and alone. One of the keys to success of becoming a non-smoker is to set up a support system. Whether it be family support (be cautious in who you choose), online, or at a local smoking cessation meeting, having a support system is vital.

The online support option is fanatastic for those who have limited time in which to establish a local system. By joining up with community forums that host a smoking cessation board, you get the opportunity to speak with others looking to accomplish the same goal you are.

When searching out these forums, be sure to find one that has the differing stages of quitting smoking broken down so that you can go straight to the area which would help you most. Find the posts that coincide with the challenges you are facing at the time and again, you will find that others will have had challenges with the very same issues.

Family and friends, on the other hand, can be a blessing or a curse. They may feel that they are being ‘extra’ supportive by inquiring repeatedly on how you are doing, but this can become downright irritating and in worst cases, actually cause you to relapse.

So to deal with the excess inquiries of your family and friends, it is wise to inform them with withdrawal symptoms, naturally you may become more easily agitated and that their constant questioning could be a detriment to your success. It’s best to have this conversation with them before you quit to help ease matters later on.

Perhaps there is a local support group that can help you as well. In most cases these are held for little cost or even free at local health centers, schools and even churches. Check them out for you may find them quite helpful.

Community support group meetings generally only last for an hour or so, but they are great place to make personal contact with others striving to become non-smokers. And it is this personal contact with a support buddy that could be just the help you need in staying smoke-free forever.

So before your quit day, be sure to decide on which method or methods of support you are going to use AND then use them! Of all the tools in the quitting smoker’s toolbox, support is the most effective of all, so be sure that this is where your quest begins.