March 14, 2025

Don’t Use Complexity As Being An Excuse When You’re Trying To Quit Smoking

Are you someone who has a tendency to dither about making decisions? Perhaps you have attempted to take action before without success? Might you be classified as a person who has difficulty making a decision? Life can be quite complicated and there are so many different elements that we need to look into in order for getting through a single day. At this stage with our lives we are a complex mix of so many different approaches, traditions, cultures, backgrounds so we might often wonder exactly how we have got to where we are. Along the way we’ve picked up a number of habits, a few of which may be beneficial but others which might be particularly detrimental to us. Nevertheless, we could feel as if we’re entrenched and unable to make decisions that have very far-reaching benefits.

It often appears much easier to accept the status quo in your life, because everything else is way too much additional effort and work together with everything else that you have to do. Already know that you have to stop smoking? That’s fine but it is gonna be a massive effort which is going to make other aspects of your life unbearably difficult also. This by itself can be a powerful “demotivator” which stops people right where they are before they even adopt a programme of smoking cessation.

It’s very important to conduct your own “state of the union” summit every so often, to see exactly where you are in life and what you should do in order to move forward. Of course you may be considering all your family commitments and your work career ahead, but you must make a priority about health concerns. As time goes by we are all much more vulnerable to illnesses and diseases and if you’re directly causing the potential onset of some of these issues then guess what, the clock is ticking.

Think very carefully about all the reasons why you must give up smoking.

1. For how long have you been smoking to date?

2. How worried are you about the risk of contracting a disease connected with smoking?

3. How many people are you aware of who have existing health problems that are directly attributable to their smoking habit?

4. What amount of cash are you losing by smoking and what can you use this money for instead?

5. Isn’t it time to become serious and do you appreciate how the so-called benefits are far outweighed by the negative connotations – health, wealth, social.

You simply have to set a date and set it in stone. Many of us believe that if they avoid any “trigger” events as such that this will help them get a better start. In other words, do you really want to set a date to start this process which coincides with one of those big society parties, where you know you will come up against many other friends and acquaintances who are still smoking?

Clear the decks and set the date and understand how important self-confidence and perseverance will be. Grit your teeth and swear that you will make this happen, now.