March 16, 2025

Enjoy The Health Benefits Of Wild Game Meats

Wild Game Meats Are Healthy, Tasty, and Now Available

As diners more frequently avoid high fat and high cholesterol meats, many are turning to a tasty and healthier alternative – wild game meats. Compared with traditional cuts of meat, wild game meats such as buffalo meat, elk meat, ostrich meat and others are much lower in fat and cholesterol. These types of wild game meats are turning up more frequently on restaurant menus and dinner tables, with good reason.

When most people hear the term wild game meat, they think of game harvested or hunted in the wild. Actually, wild game meat in the consumer sector refers to farm raised game. There’s a major difference. Farm raised game has been raised under strict State regulations and is intended for individual sale and consumption. The end result is a cleaner, milder taste due to how the game is raised and feed stipulations.

The biggest difference is that farm raised game is meant for restaurant diners and individual consumers. On the other hand, wild game species can be harvested or hunted in the wild, but not sold. Farm raised game is becoming more and more popular as health conscious diners discover their benefits vs. tradional cuts of meat.

Several prominent restaurant chains are now offering wild game meats, such as buffalo, ostrich, elk, caribou, and others. The clean, mild taste of these alternative cuts of meat are pleasant surprises to those who have never tried wild game meats. In actuality, it is farm raised game that’s served on restaurant menus, although the term wild game meat is the most accepted term when referring to meats like buffalo, ostrich, elk, etc.

How Healthy Are Wild Game Meats?

As an added benefit, wild game meats are extremely high in protein and low in carbohydrates. These benefits have led to higher demand, particularly as consumers try these cuts of meat and learn how good they taste and how easy they are to prepare. While these meats are infrequently available in supermarkets, several specialty suppliers sell directly to the consumer market.

