Woman’s age is important when considering the likelihood of becoming pregnant. The increase in infertility rates with age are well documented and evident in our real problem is the amount and quality of eggs society.The – which translates into the quality of the embryo after fertilization.
Because women are waiting longer to have children, many couples have fertility problems due to the decrease in egg quality and other issues are more common in older couples end up needing advanced women.Many treatments as IVF in vitro fertilization to overcome age-related decline.
Female Libido for Causes
An estimated one in six couples has trouble conceiving. If you have had unprotected sex for more than 12 months (or, if you are over 35 years, six months) and still not pregnant, you may begin to wonder if they are fertile.
If you decide to seek medical help, the best thing to do is consult your doctor. Many infertility problems can be identified and dealt with the majority.
World pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) or endometriosis is the most common disease that causes female fertility. This occurs due to a pelvic infection or reproductive organs, which also includes the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus.
In general, pelvic inflammatory disease due to bacteria that cause sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like gonorrhea or chlamydia. Another reason that causes PID is pelvic tuberculosis. Non-sterile abortion in unsanitary conditions is also another reason for the EPI.
Female Libido for Symptoms
You can not get pregnant. A range of emotional reactions of one or both spouses. In general, these reactions are higher in couples without children. Have at least one child tends to soften these painful emotions.
This is designed to make it easier for the sperm and egg to meet successfully by taking essential reproductive events of the body and performing the in vitro (in glass). Mature eggs are retrieved from the ovaries, fertilized with sperm in a laboratory dish, the resulting embryo is implanted in the uterus.
IVF, first used to treat women with damaged fallopian tubes or absent, is used today for any type of infertility. Although here are many IVF programs is use throughout the U.S., each differing in small things, all use four basic steps: ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, fertilization and embryo transfer .
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On empirical grounds may be advised at 12-18 months, knowing it can take up to 12 months or less for most couples to get pregnant naturally. Some doctors may recommend a period of two years later.
However, this advice should take into account the people involved, and factors such as age of the woman, the presence of symptoms suggestive of the cause of infertility if the couple wants to have fertility treatment at the time or want to wait little more time before any evaluation or treatment.
The most important step in the treatment of infertility is the partner of evaluation to determine if the cause of the condition can find. It is only after this is completed the treatment of issues can be realistically discussed.
It is recommended that both spouses are at the same time.
None of the partners in infertile couples can be assumed to be free of the cause of the problem. Each will be evaluated by conventional methods.