March 14, 2025

Five Ways To Eat Healthier On Budget

Many people believe that eating healthier will cost you more and mean less taste and enjoyment. This is not true. There are more choices on the healthy eating side than tofu and bean salad. It often starts with choosing lower calorie alternatives to the fried and sugar laden choices that are often reached for first. Depending upon the season and where it comes from fresh fruits and vegetables may appear more costly, but consider all the factors. Can you really put a price on your health? If poor dietary and lifestyle choices mean that you develop a problem in your body (whatever it is) and you must regulate this with medicine or hospital stays, what is the true price of not making better food choices?

It comes down to this: how can you get the most nutrient value for every calorie that you buy? The answer: Nutrient-rich foods like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and heart-healthy fats. For whole grains, you can choose things like cereal, bread, brown rice, bulgur wheat, and flour. Variety is significant with vegetables. Buy vegetables with different colours and textures for better nutrition. Also remember to buy things when they are in season as they will be cheaper. The rest of the times vary between fresh, frozen, canned and dried vegetables. Lean proteins include low fat cuts of beef to beans. Heart healthy fats are the unsaturated kind. These are found in things like nuts, and fish. The publication “Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide” which can easily be searched on Google or the equivalent from the “U.S Department of Agriculture” can help you with serving size suggestions.

After you have decided that eating healthier is for you, what can you do, especially if you are budget conscience? Here are five ways to eat healthier on a budget.

1.Plan your meals in advance. Plan your meals for the week and make a grocery list based on your plan. If you stick to your plan, you are less likely to by pricier and less nutritious things on impulse.

2.Cut down on some pre-packaged convenience foods. It does nit take too much extra time out of your schedule to shred your own cheese, cut your own vegetables or fruit or add water to frozen juice concentrate. Doing these things yourself will save you money and making your own choices in these matters means that you will be eating healthier.

3.Prepare meatless means with things like dried beans, peas and nuts more often. It is also important to note that eggs and peanut butter are two examples of a good low cost meat alternative. Do not have all salad and beans for example, but vary what you put on your plate.
4.Canned or frozen vegetables and fruit are just as nutritious as fresh produce. Frozen vegetables and fruit that are packaged in bags usually cost less than those in boxes. These also have a much longer shelf life. Having things that are good for you and will keep longer means you may buy less often.

5.Grain products can often be purchased in bulk and therefore be more economical. Consider trying some of these. Things like oats and brown rice for example.

In addition to the five things mentioned above doing things like buying milk in bags instead of cartons, large cheese blocks that you can cut yourself or a whole chicken that you can section will save you money. Eating better and on a budget really just means little more time planning things in advance. You may be saying, “I am too busy for that”, but back to the earlier question, “Can you really put a price in terms of time or money on your health?” Want to begin your own journey to a healthier you; the resource links at the end of this article are there to assist you. Also remember that although you have been given five ways to eat healthier on a budget, that does not mean you can make an unhealthy choice once-in-a-while, just do it much less frequently, balance your unhealthy choices with healthy alternatives and do it all in moderation.