February 5, 2025

Getting A Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important aspects in ones life. A good or bad night’s sleep can be a pretty good predictor of what your mood will be the next day. Beyond mood, sleeping is a major factor in having good health. New studies have show obesity and a compromised immune system can be related to sleep patterns.

The first question, how can I promote good sleeping habits? There are some simple steps one can take. These are outlined below.

Do not drink coffee in the afternoon. No matter how enticing it sounds, too much coffee can make for a restless night in the bed. Stick to having finished your last cup of coffee before noon.

Give up smoking. Nicotine in cigarettes acts as a stimulant. Stimulants cause the body to be restless. This is the state we want to avoid.

* Note: Beyond helping with your sleeping, giving up smoking will help cut down risk for greater health problems.

Talk a walk in the evening. This will help clear your mind and relieve the stress of the day. It will help loosen up the muscles after sitting at the office all day or from the long commute. You will want to take your walk three to four hours before bedtime. This will give your body time to recover and relax before heading off to sleep.

Make sure your sleeping environment is dark and quite. Hide the alarm clock. The bright orange numbers do nothing for helping you drift off. Get drapes or shades for the windows. This will help with blocking out light. Also, if there is lots of random external noise, you may want to run a fan at low speed. This can provide a consistent noise level and block out the random noises that can jar you.

Try to keep a regular schedule for bedtime. This is important. Your body will adjust and tell you when it is time for sleep. Also, if you have had a long day, and you are extra tired, do not be afraid to head off to bed early.

Avoid over the counter sleep aids. These may work for one or two nights. They are not meant to be a long term solution. A more natural solution would be to eat foods which contain tryptophan. This includes milk, turkey, and peanuts. The tryptophan creates chemicals in your body which promote relaxation.

I hope these simple tips have provided you with some insight on how to get a better nights sleep.