March 13, 2025

Getting Pregnant Even With Pcos

If your doctor told you that getting pregnant with PCOS was impossible, he was wrong. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a complex condition that affects the fertility, but its root cause is a hormone imbalance.

PCOS is characterized by: irregular, excessive or no menstrual period, a lack of ovulation, poor quality eggs, and sometimes miscarriages. There are other symptoms that dont directly affect the fertility, but are a sign that the hormones are out of balance. These include: high blood sugar, adult acne, excess body and facial hair, excessive hair loss, and obesity with a more masculine body shape.

Unlike most women who have their estrogen and progesterone level high, Women who have PCOS have increased levels of androgens also. Androgens, which are male hormones, do not have any important role in female fertility or in the menstrual cycle. These increased androgens also cause irregular menstruation and ovulation and does not give a healthy environment for egg formation.

Doctors will usually prescribe oral contraception pills to try to establish hormonal balance. The doctors will change the prescription regularly with doses of progesterone and estrogen trying to establish proper balance and regular menstruation for their patients. Obviously this is not a great way to conceive since the objective is to get pregnant and the pill is used to not get pregnant. There are many negative side affects to using oral contraception as well that can affect you later in life.

There is a natural approach which not only helps to conceive with PCOS but improves the overall health of the patient. The first step to be taken is to reduce weight with proper diet, eat lot of fresh organic wholefoods and do not take food with high glycemic index. Herbal remedies like Wulong-Oolong tea, which helps to lose your weight fast and Crave-Ex, which are carbohydrate blockers can be taken.

The next important step is detoxification. For this you should not take the most common chemicals like nicotine, caffeine, alcohol and refined sugar, which worsens your condition. Body cleanses can be used to increase the detoxification rate and improve your fertility and to bring balance between your hormones.

Herbs are available in treating ovarian cysts. These herbs stimulate ovulation and bring hormone balance. The herb which I use in my clinic for the past 18 months is “CystClear” and I get excellent result with it. The good news is that some of my patients with PCOS have regular menstruation, have reduced weight and they look more feminine and most importantly some of them are pregnant now.

The herbal blend for getting pregnant with PCOS should not be mixed with allopathic medical treatments, as they are very powerful.