March 10, 2025

Glenda’s Ten Commandments For Sleep Improvement

Insomnia is no fun! We all know getting the rest and sleep our bodies need is critical to our overall well-being and energy level. Without adequate and refreshing sleep for your needs, you can feel thoroughly exhausted before you even get out of bed. For the most part, you have created your sleep habits and like with any habit, you can change your nightly recharging state to be far more satisfying. I offer the following Ten Commandments for Improving Your Sleep:

1.Thou shall take responsibility for your sleep and know that you are in the driver’s seat (even though it may not feel like it sometimes).
2.Once you realize you are the driver, thou shall take action to change your sleep habits.
3.Thou shall have a positive desire, determination and commitment to improving your sleep. Being persistent will ultimately change your habits.
4.Thou shall set goals to improve your sleep habits. Decide what it is you want to achieve. Determine how many hours are realistic for your body needs.
5.Thou shall create an action plan to improve your sleep gradually. Write our your goals and expectations.
6.Thou shall have patience and the reward of improved natural sleep will be yours. Remember, it can take 20 – 30 days to change an existing habit.
7.Thou shall have persistence. Don’t give up…You can DO THIS!
8.Thou shall BELIEVE that you can change your sleep habits. Your belief in your internal ability to change is vital.
9.Thou shall learn through trial and ‘error’. If one technique doesn’t seem to be effective ~ try something different. Remember Commandment #7.
10.Thou shall create a clear picture of your sleep routine and visualize the desired outcome ~ a rested you ~ waking to the energy of excellence.

To make lasting changes to your existing habits it involves not only the ‘doing’, but also involves your spirit and desire. Take time to visit at The Spirit of Sleep to read and learn more about overcoming sleep challenges and insomnia.