March 13, 2025

Herbs That Increase Fertility

Taking special herbs to increase fertility is a form of alternative medicine called naturopathy. The goal of naturopathy is to cure illnesses and conditions without being invasive. It relies upon the body’s natural ability to cure itself by acting as an aid.

Women who suffer from infertility should be relieved to know that there are very natural ways to increase fertility. Below is a list of herbs that women can take to help different functions of their reproductive system. Women can take many of these herbs in conjunction with other herbs; however, a doctor or nutritionist may need to approve some types of herbs before you take them.

Black cohosh:

Black cohosh can help alleviate cramp pains and relieve other menopause symptoms. Women can take this herb in the first half of their menstrual cycle until their ovulation. Studies do not clearly prove if black cohosh is effective. However, doctors still recommend it to boost estrogen production.

Dong Quai:

This herb helps women balance their hormones. Therefore, it can alleviate menopausal symptoms and regulate menstrual cycles. However, Dong Quai is a blood thinner, so women who have heavy periods should consult with their doctor or nutritionist before taking it. Your doctor or nutritionist can give you more information regarding Dong Quai.

Evening Primrose Oil:

This herb is great for increasing fertile cervical fluid as well as improving brain functions. It contains fatty acids that are good for the brain’s nervous system. However, because this herb can cause uterine contractions, women should not take it after ovulation.

False unicorn root:

Native Americans used this creatively named herb to regulate menstrual cycles. False unicorn root also helps alleviate ovarian pain and menopausal symptoms.

Nettle Leaves:

Nettle leaves help prepare the uterus for implantation of the embryo.

Red clover:

This herb artificially increases estrogen hormone levels. However, many experts say that artificially raised estrogen levels are not as effective as natural bodily raised estrogen levels. Even still, artificially raised estrogen levels can improve reproductive functions.

Red raspberry leaves:

This herb is safe to take during the entire menstrual cycle. It strengthens the uterine lining by making it thicker. Because this herb can cause uterine contractions, you should not take it during pregnancy. However, your doctor may allow you to take it during your last trimester.


This herb has been used for many years to help regulate women’s hormones. Because of its qualities, you should only take this herb after you ovulate. If you take it before you ovulate, it may prevent your body from releasing an egg. You should take this herb in a luctal phase after you ovulate. It can help lengthen your cycle, giving an embryo a greater chance to implant. Vitex is a slow-acting herb, so it may take three to seven months for results to show.

The herbs you take should directly treat the symptoms and conditions you suffer from. It may be helpful to take more than one herb at a time, but it may not be necessary. However, you should never take these herbs in addition to other fertility medications. Consult with your doctor or nutritionist to see what herbs will most benefit you.

These herbs are nature’s way to help you increase your fertility. If you combine these herbs with other natural treatments, such as dieting and proper exercise, your chances of conception will exponentially increase.