March 9, 2025

How To Quit Smoking In Just 7 Days

Often times smokers procrastinate stopping, they say to themselves, “I’ll stop next week,” or “I just lit the last cigarette”. This is due to them understanding what will happen when they do stop, the worst thing is the cravings and the body having to go through pain to heal over the effects of the smoking for years (it takes a toll on lungs and heart), an all the stress that you used smoking as a release for. But after all the pains of withdrawal pass, you will see that the benefits are worth it. But what is the easiest way to stop forever? You will find that the answer is here at last and it has become so simple.

You have to have the desire to stop first to quit any type of addiction; some find that jotting down why they are stopping helpful, as in how much money they will have to spend on other things, or how much healthier your lungs and heart will be. There is not need to go through all the bad smoking does that has been written about many times over. Sadly only about one fifth of the people that stop cold turkey quit for good. Some find help with nicotine gum but it really is better to stop using anything harmful completely.

Quitters that have used Cig-Arette have had great success, they have been able to finally halt the addiction forever. This is mainly due to Cig-Arette covers all the areas of stopping: cravings, withdrawal, and the body becoming healthy again. It works with ingredients that are natural blended together in four formulas to help the body quit smoking and recover.

When stopping an addiction the cravings are terrible, stopping smoking can cause some of the worst ones. The different formulas of the Cig-Arette has ylang ylang oil in them as a natural relaxant. Also the surprising fact that Iron is what makes you feel good when smoking, this is due to the fact that the levels of dopamine increases, it is the body’s own chemical for feeling good. Iron is in Cig-Arette so that you can this effect but help your health at the same time.

Smoking actually destroys important nutrients in your body. Two of the four formulas of Cig-Arette are about nourishing your body with certain nutrients, one being iodine. There are also several different detoxifying agents such as rosemary oil, it also is a very effective antioxidant that helps make your lungs and heart strong again.

Yes we have made it easier to stop smoking, but some days may be a bit more difficult than other days. Even after you get through the withdrawal stage, you may still want to keep some Cig-Arette on hand to fight off any bad cravings. It will calm the cravings down, so that you can keep not smoking and get your health back. Just think of it as a crutch until you don’t need it anymore.

Copyright (c) 2009 Fred Andrews