March 11, 2025

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DISMISS Lack of Standing Health and fitness Treatment Mandate

COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA ex rel. KENNETH T. WALSH; AMERICAN CANCERSOCIETY; AMERICAN Most cancers Modern society Cancer Motion Network; AMERICANDIABETES Affiliation; AMERICAN Coronary heart Affiliation; DR. DAVIDCUTLER, Deputy, Otto Eckstein Professor of Utilized Economics,Harvard College; DR. HENRY AARON, Senior Fellow, EconomicStudies, Bruce and Virginia MacLaury Chair, The BrookingsInstitution; DR. GEORGE AKERLOF, Koshland Professor ofEconomics, University of California

2Sol Do. Chaikin Professor of Nationwide Health and wellbeing Coverage, BrandeisUniversity; DR. KENNETH ARROW, Joan Kenney Professor ofEconomics and Professor of Procedures Basic research, StanfordUniversity; DR. SUSAN ATHEY, Professor of Economics, HarvardUniversity; DR. LINDA J. BLUMBERG, Senior Fellow, UrbanInstitute, Well-being Plan Center; DR. LEONARD E. BURMAN, DanielPatrick Moynihan Professor of General public Affairs, The MaxwellSchool, Syracuse College; DR. AMITABH CHANDRA, Professor ofPublic Plan, Kennedy University of government, Harvard University;DR. MICHAEL CHERNEW, Professor, Division of Well being CarePolicy, Harvard Healthcare Faculty; DR. PHILIP Prepare, Dr. PhilipCook, ITT/Sanford Professor of General public Plan, Professor ofEconomics, eKrDdRr, Duke College; DR. MICHAEL T. FRENCH, Professor ofHealth Economics, College of Miami; DR. CLAUDIA GOLDIN, HenryLee Professor of Economics, Harvard College; DR. TAL GROSS,Department of Health and wellbeing Plan and Conduite, Mailman College ofPublic Health and wellbeing, Columbia College; DR. JONATHAN GRUBER,Professor of Economics, MIT; DR. JACK HADLEY, Affiliate Dean forFinance and Organizing, Professor and Senior Health and wellbeing ServicesResearcher, Faculty of Health and fitness and Human Providers, George MasonUniversity; DR. VIVIAN HO, Baker Institute Chair in HealthEconomics and Professor of Economics, Rice College; DR. NFL Patriots Wilson Jersey JOHNF. HOLAHAN, Ph. D, Director, Health Policy Investigate Middle, TheUrban Institute; DR. JILL HORWITZ, Professor of Law and Co

Director of the Application in Regulation Economics, University ofMichigan Faculty of Legislation; DR. LAWRENCE KATZ, Elisabeth AllenProfessor of Economics, Harvard College; DR. GENEVIEVEKENNEY, Senior Fellow, The City Institute; DR. FRANK LEVY, RoseProfessor of Urban Economics, Department of City Studies andPlanning, MIT; DR. Hirschman Professor of Social Science atthe Institute for Enhanced Research, Game Wes Welker Jersey Princeton College; DR. ALANC. RICHARD J. MURNANE,Thompson Professor of Education and learning and Society, Harvard University;DR. JOSEPH P. NEWHOUSE, John D. MacArthur Professor of HealthPolicy and Conduite, Harvard College; DR. LEN M. NICHOLS,George Mason College; DR. HAROLD POLLACK, Helen RossProfessor of Social Provider Administration, University ofChicago; DR. MATTHEW RABIN, Edward G. and Nancy S. JordanProfessor of Economics, University of Limited Chad Ochocinco Jersey California

JAMES B. THOMAS RICE, Professor, UCLA College of PublicHealth; DR. MEREDITH ROSENTHAL, Division of Health and fitness Plan andManagement, Harvard College of Manifeste Overall health; DR. CHRISTOPHERRUHM, Professor of Public Policy and Economics, University ofVirginia; DR. JONATHAN SKINNER, Professor of Economics,Dartmouth University, and Professor of Local community and FamilyMedicine, Dartmouth Health care College; DR. KATHERINE SWARTZ,Professor, Section of Overall health Plan and Management, HarvardSchool of General public Wellbeing; DR. KENNETH WARNER, Dean in the Schoolof Manifeste Health and Avedis Donabedian Distinguished UniversityProfessor of General public Overall health, College of Michigan; DR. STEPHEN ZUCKERMAN, Senior Fellow, The UrbanInstitute; JANET COOPER ALEXANDER, Frederick I. DICK HOWARD, White Burkett Miller Professor of Regulation andPublic Affairs, University of Virginia College of Regulation; JOHNCALVIN JEFFRIES, JR, David and Mary Harrison DistinguishedProfessor of Regulation, University of Virginia University of Law; JOHANNAKALB, Assistant Professor, Mankins Elite Jersey Loyola College New Orleans Collegeof Law; LUMEN N. MULLIGAN, Professor of Regulation, College ofKansas College of Legislation; EDWARD A. cuccinelliVirginiahealthcareMandateobamacarekenneth t. Sebelius Fourth Circuit OpinionFourth Circuit Courtroom Of Appeals final choice in Virginia v. v