March 10, 2025

Hypnotherapy For Quitting Smoking

Smoking is a very difficult habit to quit. It has so many harmful effects on the body that can lead to death or serious health risks. All of the negative effects on your body make smoking too harmful to continue.

Smoking can be difficult to quit on your own, thankfully there are a wide variety of many different smoking cessation methods. Some of these methods include: nicotine treatments, acupuncture, pharmaceuticals, and hypnosis to quit smoking. All of these methods have been proven to work for some but some of them may not be for you. If you haven’t tried hypnosis to quit smoking, it may be your best alternative smoking cessation method. It removes your addiction to nicotine forever.

There used to be a lot of skepticism expressed towards the idea that hypnotherapy could be an effective treatment for smoking cessation – but hypnosis for quitting smoking is now known to work very well, just as it has in altering other undesirable behaviors. Hypnosis has even enabled those who had nearly given up hope to kick the habit for good.

Hypnosis is used to communicate with the subconscious that effects all behavioral change instead of the conscious mind. The hypnotist puts the patient in a trance like state where they are more susceptible to commands that alter a behavior. The hypnotherapist uses suggestions and plants them in your subconscious to help you to quit whichever habit you are trying to quit.

Quiting smoking through willpower and strength is something not everyone can do alone. Quiting smoking without help is very unpleasant especially the withdrawal symptoms associated with nicotine. Nicotine replacement products such as patches, inhalers, pills, etc…are just replacing your addiction of nicotine from smoking with these products. It makes it that much more difficult to quite because after you quit these products many resort back to smoking.

There are other smoking cessation products on the market but many of them have very harmful side effects and they should be avoided. Using hypnotherapy to quit smoking has all the benefits and none of these harmful side effects.

Hypnosis for quitting smoking works just like any other kind of hypnotherapy treatment, with only the suggestions given by the therapist being different. The hypnotist will tell you while hypnotized that you have no craving for nicotine or even that you are sickened by the smell of cigarettes. This can work in as little as a single session, even for heavy smokers.

Smoking is litterly killing you and hypnosis or any other proven smoking cessation methods should be considered. Use hypnotherapy to help you quit smoking today.