March 12, 2025

Improve Your Fertility By Breaking These 6 Habits

Looking for ways to improve your fertility? If yes, there are certain things you can do yourself. Infertility can be difficult to live with, but sometimes we make things more complicated on ourselves. Of course not intentionally or consciously but because we don’t know any other way to deal or just don’t realize that we’re self- destroying ourselves.

For couples who are trying to conceive, making some changes in their lifestyle (minor or major) can have a huge impact. Below are 5 bad habits that you must break to improve your fertility.

Eating junk food

As we know junk foods are not nutritious and these foods lack your body in essential nutrients required for fertility. Avoid saturated fats, sweets and processed foods from your diet. Also avoid carbohydrates that lead to the ovarian hormones production which can cause PCOS. But if you want, little bit of these foods never hurt.

Still lighting up that cigarette

It’s a well known truth that smoking is injurious to health and lowers the fertility up to 10- 40%. As per the study, around 13% of infertility cases are because of tobacco use. Five cigarettes per day may lower fertility rates in both males and females. Furthermore, it is also associated with ectopic pregnancy, miscarriages and pregnancy complications.

Staying up late and not completing enough sleep

May be you don’t know, but there is relation between poor sleep and irregular period which can be a symptom of infertility. Poor sleep can also impact on your weight and those who worked at night shifts have higher miscarriage rates than those who worked at day time. In case of males, obesity relates to lower number of healthy sperms.

Working out too much or too little

We know exercise or working out is good for health but only when you do it moderately. Moderate exercise on daily basis keeps your lungs, heart and immune system fit and you can also maintain healthier weight which results in good fertility. But at the same time, extreme workout can lead to infertility whether you are male and female and that is the reason why athletes generally struggle with infertility.

Stressing about timing
Home ovulation kits and keeping track of your basal temperature won’t solve your confusion but add unnecessary stress in your life. Keep in mind, those have regular period, their fertile zones are days 12 to 16. However if cycles are not regular, it is good to seek reproductive endocrinologist help for support.

Unsafe intercourse

Unsafe intercourse invites sexually transmitted disease that can lead to infertility. In fact, these are the most avertable infertility cause. STDs like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea may lead to PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) if left untreated.

Saving up for ovulation

For ovulation, you don’t need to save up sperm or to do sex multiple times leading up to ovulation. Make sure to have pleasurable sex life, does not matter how many time you and your partner are doing intercourse.