September 29, 2024

Knowing The Cause Of Infertility Can Improve Your Fertility Level

There are so much people in the United States that are affected by infertility problems. The figure is somewhat in the millions. According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, both men and women each are 40% respectively having infertility problems. The remainder 20% are some unknown causes.

There is various length of causes of women infertility. Causes such as ovarian and ovulation problems, tube or peritoneal causes, hypothalamic-pituitary causes, cervical, vaginal and uterine problems, and genetic causes are specific causes that are affecting women fertility worldwide.

What are those internal causes?

The normal ovaluation cycle for women is 28-days. However, this cycle may be disrupted by general factors such as diseases such as diabetes, thyroid or any defects of the liver and kidneys. Psychological or mental issues are also among the causes of infertility. Above causes may prevent women from having the normal ovulating cycle.

Another ovarian causes like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), ovarian neoplasm, diminished ovarian reserve, luteal dysfunction, premature menopauses and Turner syndrome are causing infertility to most women. It simply prevents the release of a mature egg from the ovaries, or having hormonal imbalances, or the reproduction of eggs with chromosomal defects. There are also tube or peritoneal factors that are causing the infertility to many females. It is the uterine lining (the endometrial tissue) growing outside the uterus or it is unprepared for egg implantation, blockage of the fallopian tubes which prevents an egg from traveling to the uterus.

Another causes of women infertility are Hypothalamic-pituitary factors, which would include the common hypopituitarism, hyperprolactinemia, kallmann syndrome and other hypothalamic dysfunctions.

Problems from the cervical, vaginal and uterine could be one of the cause of infertility.

What is actually vaginal problems? It is the prevention of the sperms to travel to the tubes and vaginusmus, also known as vaginal obstruction. Then how did cervical problems cause infertility. It is the side effects of anti-sperm antibodies, insufficient cervical mucus which is needed for the sperm to travel and survive, and cervical stenosis.

What about external causes you have to take note?

After mentioning the internal causes of infertility, we shared discuss some external factors causing infertility. This include: the after effects of cosmetic usage, taking in alcohol, marijuana, having too much food additives such as monosodium glutamate (MSG), pesticides, coffee, cigarette or tobacco smoke, and many more.