March 9, 2025

Learn how business auto insurance can protect your company

For many small businesses, the idea of a company car depends on the time of day. From 9 to 5, the vehicle is all business. Before or after those times? Groceries, drive-thrus, kids’ soccer practice or a night on the town.

If this describes your company, you’re not alone. Many vehicles do double duty for personal and work use. Some businesses even allow employees to use their own cars for work, or they use business-owned vehicles for personal needs. So what’s the best way to insure a company car serving multiple purposes? This common problem is easily solved with business auto insurance for company vehicles from Nationwide.

Basics of a company car policy

If your business owns vehicles and they are titled in the company’s name, your commercial vehicles need business car insurance for complete coverage. If you’re a business owner with no employees, and you use your vehicle driving to and from work, a personal auto policy will cover you.

Protect employee-owned vehicles with company car insurance

If you have employees and they use their vehicles for business use, be sure they have sufficient liability coverage with their personal auto policies. For example, if an employee drives his or her own car to make a bank deposit for the business and is in an accident with another driver, his or her insurance company will pay the claim up to the policy limit.

But if the other driver sues the employee’s company for additional damages, a basic business owner’s policy won’t suffice. A company car policy with an added non-owned auto liability endorsement could help protect the company’s assets from an expensive lawsuit.

Cover the business owner’s car with a company car policy

There are times when the business owner’s only vehicle serves double-duty for both company and personal use. In these cases, a company vehicle policy is necessary. For added protection when it’s not used for business, Nationwide recommends an added “drive other car” endorsement to cover the owner and any family members who might drive the car.

Learn more about commercial vehicle insurance

You’ve worked hard to build your business. Don’t put it at risk with incomplete van, truck or commercial vehicles insurance. Contact us and get started protecting your vehicle with business auto insurance today.