March 16, 2025

Looking To Lose Weight? Ten Practical Solutions That Will Help Shed The Pounds.

Dropping a few unwanted pounds is really a matter of common sense. For example, you can’t eat 1/2 of a grapefruit and a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, then reward yourself with a greasy, fast-food burger for lunch. Sorry, but the breakfast doesn’t cancel out the burger. Healthier living is a mindset. So if losing a little flab is high on the list, consider these 10 common-sense approaches:

1. Scale WAY back on the cake, soda, ice cream, etc. No, a piece of cake for Grandma’s birthday isn’t going to do significant damage. But if you’re trying to drop some pounds, why would you risk it? These processed foods often contain extra fat and sugar that you may not even be aware of — even if you read the labels.

2. Exercise more. This will help to burn fat and control your appetite. Walk, jog, swim, ride a bike; anything that will get your heart pumping. If your current health condition prohibits anything strenuous, consult with your doctor.

3. Know your fat-to-carb ratio. It’s not necessarily just fats or just carbs that lead to weight gain. It’s a combination of both. Obviously, if the intake of both is high, you’ll gain weight. Figure out what’s best for you. I’m not saying to eliminate both completely, as that’s not good either, but begin to slowly scale back on one or the other until you start to see the results you want.

4. Cut out the fat. Read the labels. If you’re a meat-eater, choose low-fat varieties of fish, skinless chicken, reduced-fat ground turkey, etc. When I cook chicken, I use my kitchen shears and cut off all visible fat. A pain in the neck? Yes. But my health is worth the effort.

5. Scale back on the sweets. As I said earlier, a piece of cake or pie every so often certainly won’t do major damage. But if you have a sweet tooth, you have to discipline yourself to limit how much sugar you’re ingesting.

6. Be mindful of your alcohol consumption. Apart from the other obvious risks, most alcohols are sugar-heavy.

7. Eat less, but more. Huh? Eat 3 or 4 meals a day, but less at each meal so you feel satisfied. Make sure each meal contains the same amount of fat and carbs. This will also assure you maintain your blood sugar level.

8. Occupy your time. Get yourself a hobby. If you have something that will divert your attention, you’ll have less time to think about food.

9. Switch to healthy foods. Eat raw fruits and vegetables as often as possible. Avoid fried and processed foods. Natural foods will provide you with the fat-burning qualities you need.

10. Reduce your portion sizes. You’ll find that a lower-fat diet will leave you feeling less satisfied. This is because you’re not taking in the foods that filled you up before. You may find the need to snack more. If that’s the case, just pick things that are satisfying but healthy. A Twinkie is not a good substitute for celery.

It may be difficult to make the adjustment at first. But if you stick with it, you’ll see results. Just don’t do anything drastic at first. Slowly begin to tweak your diet and see what works best for you.