March 12, 2025

Lovely Licorice – It’s The Grandfather Of Herbs “healthy Facts And Figures”

1Licorice was one of the most widely known medicines in ancient history, and records of its use include Assyrian tablets of around 2000 BC and Chinese herbals of the same period.

2Theophrastos of Lesbos, writing in the fourth century BC wrote that ‘it has the property of quenching thirst if one holds it in the mouth’. Dioscorides gave the plant its botanical name (Greek glukos = sweet, riza = root).

3It’s 13th century English name was Lycorys, a corruption of glycyrrhiza. The plant originated in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, but has been cultivated in Europe since at least the 16th century.

4In China, it is known as the ‘great detoxifier’ because it is thought to drive poisons from the system. It is also an important tonic, often called ‘the grandfather of herbs’. Gan cao is used as an energy tonic and the root is added to many Chinese formulae to balance other herbs.

5It is also used for asthmatic coughs, as an antispasmodic and ulcer remedy, and to cool ‘hot’ conditions. The dried root is given to Chinese children to promote muscle growth.

6Licorice root is an excellent aid for exhaustion and long term stress as it is an adrenal aid, it nourishes the adrenal glands and can help recovery from ME.

7It is also a plant oestrogen and can help balance hormones, so it can be good for relieving symptoms of menopause and discomfort in menstruation.

8It is also an anti-inflammatory so can help bring pain relief and reduce inflammation.

9It is good for Ulcers, gastritis, indigestion, dry coughs, pharyngitis, laryngitis, it makes a wonderful cough expectorant and relieves constipation.

10Although it is 50 times sweeter than sucrose, licorice is fat free and contains no sugar. It is often used to aid slimming and is regarded as one of the best-kept celebrity diet secrets.

11Licorice also forms part of a Korean hang over cure. It supposedly gets rid of a headache in just 30 minutes and clears toxins out of the liver.

For more information and product samples please contact Emma Trimble at Brazen PR on 0161 923 4994 or email [email protected]
Availability: supermarkets (Tesco, Sainsburys, Waitrose), drugstore (Home Bargains), multiple health food stores (Holland and Barrett and Julian Graves), independent health food stores, multiple pharmacy (Boots, Lloyds, Rowlands) and independent pharmacies.