March 15, 2025

Low Fat Isn’t Always Good

We are bombarded daily with low fat food options: from low fat cookies and chips, to low fat ice cream, baked goods, and even candy. You may be surprised to learn that choosing a low fat product is not always the best decision. How do you sort through all of the options to find what is truly healthy for you?

When food manufacturers remove fat from their products, they replace it with sugar in order to improve the flavor. Take peanut butter, for example. The reduced fat variety will save you 4 grams of fat per serving, but the fat that is taken out is replaced with sugar, so the calorie content remains the same. You would make a better choice by going with the full fat variety and avoiding the added sugar.

In fact, the calories in many low fat products are fairly comparable to the full-fat versions. For instance, three low fat Oreos contain 150 calories, versus 160 calories in three of the regular ones. A six ounce low fat yogurt actually has 3 more calories per serving than the same size regular yogurt. And, the sugar that is added to replace the flavor from fat can be just as harmful to your health and waistline as the fat is.

Always choosing low fat foods can be a bad idea for more reasons than just the sugar content. Low fat foods are usually not a good choice because people tend to eat greater quantities of these items than if they were eating the full fat counterpart. In a study, when people were given a low fat food, they ate 28 to 45 percent more than those who ate the full fat version. This is because we tend to overindulge on foods we view as “healthier.”

There are a few times when choosing low fat foods is the way to go. The most important foods to choose in low fat versions are animal products. This includes dairy, such as cheese and milk, as well as meat. The fat in these items is saturated, which raises your cholesterol. By choosing low fat versions of these products, you will be improving your health.

The key to eating anything, including foods high in fat, is to have it in moderation. As long as you keep your intake of anything to one serving, you should be fine.