March 14, 2025

Natural Fertility Enhancers And Optimising Your Chances Of Conceiving

Many couples who plan to have children find that conceiving a baby is more difficult than they might like, and had previously thought. Although for an unhappy minority there may be some medical reason for their inability to conceive, for most people it is simple lifestyle factors such as stress, over-work and a poor diet that prevent their bodies from producing healthy sperm or eggs.

Simply being under too much stress, eating too much fatty food and not enough fruit and veg, drinking too much alcohol, taking recreational drugs or smoking tobacco can each have a profound effect upon your body’s ability to produce healthy, fit and fertile germ-line cells.

Fertility experts strongly recommend that both partners take care to look after their bodies, and plan for a period of at least three months before conception to eat the right diet, reduce alcohol consumption, reduce stress as much as possible and eliminate any unhealthy habits such as smoking or using drugs completely. Alcohol use is particularly damaging to male fertility, as it is known to reduce testosterone levels and increase rates of genetic mutation within new sperm cells, leading to an increase in the number of poorer quality sperm.

Even once all these potential lifestyle factors have been addressed, some otherwise healthy couples still find it difficult to conceive, and these couples may benefit from natural fertility enhancing supplements.

These natural fertility enhancers usually come in two forms one designed for women and the other for men and contain herbal extracts and vitamins that promote healthy sperm and egg production, and help to ensure that your body is dedicating enough resources to producing and nurturing these cells.

Male natural fertility blends usually contain extracts of Maca (which is known to raise sperm production and improve sperm quality) and Tribulus terrestris (which raises testosterone levels to higher-normal amounts, by stimulating testosterone production and inhibiting its elimination) plus vitamin C and zinc, both of which are vital to the production of healthy and strong sperm.

Female fertility blends normally contain extracts of the Chaste berry (which helps to regulate hormone production and balance) and Ginseng (which also has a regulatory effect upon oestrogen levels) plus the essential amino acid l-arginine and vitamin C.

In addition to these extracts, some natural fertility enhancers also contain aphrodisiacs such as Horny Goat Weed extract. Delicately put, in order to maximise your chances of conceiving, it is important to have intercourse as often as possible during those few days each month when conception is possible, and a potent aphrodisiac can help to make this a less arduous task for both partners.

Only once all lifestyle problems have been addressed, and once all natural steps to optimise fertility have been taken should either partner worry that they have some physical problem that prevents them from conceiving a healthy baby.