March 12, 2025

Natural Stress Management Definition -testimonial By Dr. Haig John

Natural stress management definition -Testimonial by Dr. Haig John
Eliminate the Mental and Physical Effects of Stress Using Natural Products!

If you have been curious about stress management definition and how to find a proper and effective therapy, the following information may help you to discover a Natural Treatment that can substantially help you in dealing with stress. This treatment can reverse the progression of the condition and improve the quality of life. It has been proven that effects of stress can be reduced naturally.

Brown Juice Lowered Stress Levels
Haig John, DC, Your Partner in Health, Melbourne, Florida, April 2009

The Brown Juice and the LC Balancer helped me tremendously in coping with my stress. I have taken the Brown Juice now 2 times when I was at a very high stress level and I felt a huge change in my mood and my reactions to people and my employees. I have been remodeling an historic home, newly married and running my practice which I had recently moved to a temporary office. Stress barely describes my situation. With the Brown Juice and LC BalancerI felt great. My body felt detoxified and my body handled the stress more efficiently and my mind was clearer. I even stopped drinking coffee and made better decisions in my eating habits. It has really helped me a great deal.

Stress Treatment Using Alternative Medicine

Stress, either mental or physical, generates a high demand for blood and nutrients due to elevated metabolism of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates in the brain and muscle tissues. As a result, the blood and nutrient supply to the liver and other major organs is reduced. Additionally, the elevated body metabolism will produce excessive waste that requires filtering by the liver. Compromised blood supply combined with increased workload creates a strong challenge to liver functionality. If this condition runs for an extended period, the liver often becomes fatigued and less efficient. The liver is the predominant organ for blood detoxification, and less effective detoxification of the blood produces a series of stress reactions including insomnia, headache, migraine, nausea, mood swing, bad temper, hand tremor, and drowsiness (hepatic encephalopathy). Prolonged exposure to such conditions may also lead to depression.

To help patients with such conditions, the Brown Juice product is recommended. The Brown Juice will improve the liver’s structure and function, alleviating the liver’s fatigued condition and allowing it to resume normal functionality and detoxification capability. Once the blood is cleaned by the liver, the stress related symptoms will diminish. With a more capable liver, people can tolerate higher mental and physical challenges.

The Brown Juice has also been used to treat many liver related problems including:

1) Drug addiction (Methamphetamine, cocaine, cigarettes, etc.): The Brown Juice will help eliminate the urge to use drug as well as the anxiety and restlessness resulting from drug withdrawal.
2) Hyperlipidemia, high cholesterol, fatty liver: The Brown Juice will help the liver maintain a good blood lipid level. It will help reduce low density lipoprotein (VLDL, LDL) and triglyceride and increase high density lipoprotein (HDL). It will also help dissolve the greasy lipid accumulated in the fatty liver.
3) Hepatitis and cirrhosis: The Brown Juice will help repair the damage from by viruses, bacteria or other factors, and help the liver restore its normal functionality. The symptoms of bloating, dizziness, nausea, and fatigue will clear by themselves.
4) Menopause Syndrome: The Brown Juice also helps improve patient’s condition during menopause. Improved liver function will allow the body to buffer the hormone changes and adjust to the new condition.
5) Psoriatic arthritis (PA): The Brown Juice can help improve the condition dramatically. Our studies show that PA is quite different from both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, which can be treated with our WHITEE Patches and LC.

Usage information:
1) It is recommended to take the Brown Juice along with the LC Balancer when treating stress and other conditions.
2) Dosage:
Take 100ml (1/2 cup) per day. The stress related symptoms should clear in 1 to 2 weeks. When treating other chronic conditions, 6 weeks to 3 months treatment may be required. If symptom reduction reaches a plateau, the dosage should be doubled.

As liver function improves, more metabolic waste may be forced into the intestines. Because of this, patients may have constipation when taking the Brown Juice alone, without the LC Balancer. If patient’s GI tract is moving slowly, this waste may be trapped. The LC Balancer has the ability to improve the contraction of the GI system and will prevent the constipation.

I have found that Wei Laboratories has very unique natural products. Their Brown Juice and LC Balancer products can help improve the liver structure and function, and therefore, can effectively lower the mental and physical effects of stress. You can experience the difference in as short as 3 days. If you have further questions, I recommend you call Wei Laboratories at 1-888-919-1188, e-mail: [email protected]. Click or further information.