March 14, 2025

Night Light Condoms

Sex, we are often reminded, is supposed to be fun. A goal that recedes daily in the face of fresh STD epidemics, huge levels of underage pregnancy and a kind of millennial angst about the whole business of procreation. Fortunately, savvy condom makers Night Light have brought the fun right back to safe sex with their eponymous prophylactic the Night Light condom.
There’s not a lot to say, really the Night Light condom is treated with some kind of funky stuff that makes it glow in the dark; and, unlike other glow in the dark birth control measures, it’s actually manufactured to the same standards as regular condoms. Which means (thank you, Night Light, for finally introducing a little levity into this area, so long the preserve of stony-faced puritans) that a guy (and his girl) can finally have a little fun without worrying that they won’t be properly protected. The Night Light condom is as fully assured a barrier as any other and has the same disease-prevention classification as standard boring condoms. With one immediately obvious difference: you can write your name in the dark with it. Awesome.
Anyone (or, indeed, anyone’s prospective partner) who is at all worried by the idea of putting something that glows on, or in, somewhere that is popularly supposed to be rather sensitive fear not. According to the boffins behind the Night Light condom, the glow in the dark layer is a) totally no-toxic and b) imprisoned between two layers of normal latex, so it isn’t even touching skin. The Night Light condom glows as a result of phosphorous pigment a bit like the stuff in plankton that makes tropical seas flash at night.
The Night Light condom doesn’t even need a lengthy charging period, either. That phosphorous whatnot inside the latex activates after a 30 second exposure to light: meaning that, as long as the Night Light condom is actually put on while the lights are on, it’ll glow like a madman for at least 15 minutes. Plenty of time for most, though the Night Light condom can be recharged with a subsequent exposure to light.
Words, frankly, fail us. The entire concept of the Night Light condom is completely outstanding. Boring safe sex is banished; fun surprises are back so turn off the lights and get ready for a truly illuminating experience