March 10, 2025

Overcoming Sleep Disorders

For millions of humans the night regularly becomes a nightmare. Instead of finding the desired peace and recovery, they suffer from disturbing sleep disorders. And that has noticeable consequences for their health and well-being. A durable lack of sleep can have serious consequences.

In addition an alarming number: 24% of the deadly accidents on motorways are attributed to falling asleep momentarily, briefly dozing off. The fact that a chronic sleep deficit increases the risk for physical and a mental illness is proven scientifically. Sleep disturbances can be the consequence of a serious illness. Therefore one should not dismiss sleep difficulties as a matter of minor importance.

Sleep disorders often express themselves in symptoms, which go unnoticed by the concerned person, such as nocturnal sleepwalking, snoring or gnashing one’s teeth. These symptoms do not necessarily impair your sleep, however frequently that of your partner.

Patients with sleep disturbances frequently complain

* not to be able to fall asleep
* to wake up again and again during the night and then lie awake for a long time

Nocturnal sweating or urination also impairs their sleep, which sometimes results in bed-wetting. After waking up, headache and tensions in the neck can make the start into the new day more difficult.

During the day those affected by these problems are often tired and exhausted, even without undertaking larger physical efforts. Some frequently fall asleep during the day, without wanting it. They cannot concentrate properly and are not any longer as efficient as in former times. Many patients feel uneasy and more irritable than usual, they are depressed or fearful. Also muscular pains can be consequences of bad sleep.

The following characteristics point to sleeping disorders in need of treatment:

* On at least four days during the week one needs longer than 30 minutes for falling asleep and/or after nocturnal awakening for falling asleep again.
* The problems persist longer than one month.
* Duration and extent of sleep disorders do not stand in any relation to the actual cause (for example pressure to achieve, temporary stress in occupation or private life).
* The problems do not diminish, although the original triggers do not exist any longer.

The state during the day is strongly impaired: One feels tired, provoked, overtaxed, powerless and reduced in one’s concentration and efficiency.

Despite tiredness one does not find sleep during the day (for example around noon). The fear of not being able to fall asleep gets even more dominant and culminates into fear of sleeping and fear of night.

Most humans suffer from sleep disorders. In the rarest case are they caused by organic problems. By a change of one’s life habits already many sleep disturbing factors can be eliminated, so for example by balanced nutrition, movement, relaxation and proper stress management.

The major cause for sleep disorders is simply anxiety and stress. How is it then, one might ask, that even persons seemingly without any stress factors suffer from bad sleep?

The answer is quite simple. Stress is ultimately not caused by external circumstances, but within ourselves, by the way we react to outside factors. Chronic sleep disorders nearly always point to some deep rooted issues in one’s subconsiousness.

Anxiety is based on the desire for appreciation, which is pivotal for anybody’s survival. If we don’t feel sufficiently appreciated, even by ourselves, we either feel depressed and/or desperately try to control our circumstances in order to get recognition. As we are very limited in our present capacities, our desire to control is often hampered and foiled. In this way we may suffer a great deal of stress.

While there are many effective tips and tricks to improve one’s quality of sleep, it is of prime importance to develop a peaceful and calm mind regardless of external circumstances. Meditation, release techniques, prayer, positive thinking and other personal development processes can definitely be helpful to achieve that goal. In this way not only your sleep disorders will vanish, but you will become a healthier and happier person, too.