March 13, 2025

Personal Stress Management: Tips To Manage Your Stress

Stress is viewed as almost natural in our busy modern day lives but there are a number of things you can do to positively affect your personal stress management. Here are some tips to help you to reduce the stress in your everyday life.

1. Get more exercise

When you exercise your body releases “happy” chemicals called endorphins. These help you to feel better and are a much better (and cheaper) alternative to prescription drugs. Trouble is, most people think “gym” when someone mentions exercise. This doesn’t have to be the case. Any form of exercise is better than none. A brisk walk will do nicely. So will leaving your car further away in the parking lot and walking a few extra steps to the store. Take the stairs instead of the elevator and you’ll be doing easy exercise to help yourself.

2. Take up meditation or yoga

Both of these techniques give you an easy way to help your body relax. Attending a local yoga class once a week will help you to relax and unwind your tensions. Or consider listening to one of the modern meditation CDs that do almost all the work for you – no special sitting positions, no mantras to chant, just sit back, listen and let the audio on the CD take you into a deep trance state that used to be reserved only for Zen monks.

3. Get a new hobby or re-visit one of your old hobbies

If you used to be engaged in a hobby but dropped it due to lack of time, now is your chance to go back to your old hobby or find a new one. Hobbies are your ticket to becoming absorbed in something new and different, without the stresses associated with your work or home life. Unless your new hobby is a sport, there’s probably no-one that you’ll be competing against apart from yourself, so there shouldn’t be any extra stresful tensions associated with this choice.

4. Diarize some “you” time

Your diary is probably full of all the things you have to do for other people, whether the items are for work or family commitments. Most people who suffer from stress put themselves last on their list, which can leave them no time for themselves. Put some time in your diary to devote to yourself. Make sure that other people around you don’t violate this time – if need be, book into somewhere to experience this time. Maybe a weekly cinema visit or a meal with someone close to you? Or some time pampering yourself? Even a nice, long, relaxing bath? Just make sure that you devote at least some time to yourself every week.

5. Use your vacation time

Stressed out people have a habit of not taking the vacations they are due. You need vacation time to recharge your own batteries. You’ll find that you return to work revitalized and raring to go again. At least so long as you don’t take your work with you… Leave your cell phone at home or go somewhere remote with no reception. It’s your vacation, enjoy it!