March 12, 2025

Pregnancy – Birth Control Methods After Pregnancy

For you and your child’s wellbeing, you have to take an informed decision regarding birth control after pregnancy. There are many types of birth control methods available in the market today; however, only some of these methods will suit your body. It thus becomes imperative that you weigh the pros and cons of various birth control methods before you choose one.

After the pregnancy period is over your hormones will undergo dramatic changes. Some women will not show any interest in sex, while others will witness an increase in their sex drive. Physically most women are fit to have sex two weeks after giving birth, as the vagina typically takes two weeks to heal and the cervix also closes by this time.

If you are interested in sex after pregnancy, you should understand that there is a huge chance that you could get pregnant again even two weeks after giving birth. Therefore, you have to choose your contraception carefully. Ask your doctor if it is absolutely okay for you to have sex.

Lactational Amenorrhea Method

There are basically four types of birth control after pregnancy methods that women can choose from. Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM), also called the breastfeeding method, can be used by women who are nursing and have not had their menstrual cycle after pregnancy. For this method to be effective you need to breastfeed your baby from both breasts every four hours and in the night every six hours. This method of birth control while breastfeeding works for six months after the baby is born and then you would have to shift to contraception.

Barrier Methods

Barrier methods for birth control after pregnancy include condoms, female condoms, sponges, diaphragms, cervical caps, and shields. They would not cause any harm to your nursing infant.

Hormonal Methods

The hormonal methods for birth control after pregnancy should be taken after careful considerations. If you are nursing, you should not take combination hormone treatment that has estrogen or ethinyl estradiol in it. You can pass on the estrogen to your baby via the breast milk. Progestin-only methods of birth control, like mini-pills, Depo-Provera, etc. are often said to be safe for both you and your baby; however, some doctors claim that progestin can also be passed on to your baby.


Intra Uterine Devices, like Copper IUD, are safe and effective birth control devices. An IUD will not have any affect on your breast milk, so you can use it even while nursing.

Besides the above mentioned methods you can do what many other women do – keep track of your fertility cycle. Your doctor can help you learn about your fertility cycle. Then all you need to do is abstain from sex on your unsafe days.

Birth control will ensure that you do not get pregnant again soon after giving birth. This will give you time to properly look after yourself and your baby. Most importantly this will also give you time to get back into shape so that you look good after pregnancy. Talk to your doctor about birth control after pregnancy and decide accordingly.