March 11, 2025

Quit Smoking And Make It A Healthy Start To The New Year

The New Year is around the corner and many of us will be making resolutions. Every year, the top three New Years resolutions are to quit smoking, lose weight and handle finances better.
Most smokers will not keep their New Years Resolutions to quit smoking. How many times have you put give up smoking on your New Year resolutions list?

I put quit smoking on my New Years Resolution list every year for 10 years. My husband and I had a ritual every New Years Eve. I would smoke my last cigarette just before the clock struck midnight and on the stroke of midnight he would crush any left over cigarettes that I had. However, when I woke up in the morning I had this incredible longing for a cigarette. As the day progressed I got more and more bad tempered because I could not light up one of those little white sticks that had taken over my life. After a few days I gave in to temptation and bought some more cigarettes. And boy, did it feel good. Does it sound familiar?

But then, I caught my little boy with one of my cigarettes. It then dawned on me that this little angel that I brought into this world may never see his Mum grow old. I was slowly killing myself and it had to stop. I did not want to miss out on his first day at school, his first nativity play and his graduation. So, I decided to quit.

Believe me, it was not easy. The withdrawal symptoms where bad, but worth it in the end. I had a dry mouth and sore throat for days. But, I kept remembering my goal to see my little boy grow up. So I was even more determined to quit. Eventually, I did it and have been smoke free for 3 years now.

Really wanting to quit smoking will determine how successful you are in quitting.

*Set yourself a goal and keep remembering that goal.

*Find people who support your decision and know your pain.

*Break the habit.

*Be determined.

Even if you do gain weight, the health risks of smoking are far greater and you can tackle that issue when you have cleared the smoking addiction.

The best way to quit smoking is to combine a smoking cessation medication with a behavior modification program.

The health risks of smoking decreases immediately once you stop smoking for good. The health risks of smoking are not confined to smokers.

Make this year the year you make good on your resolution for the New Year.