March 13, 2025

Ready To Quit? Follow These Simple Steps

Many people want to stop smoking, but feel it will be too difficult or that they don’t have the will power that is required to successfully quit. The tips that follow will help you adjust as you begin your new smoke-free life.

If you want to be successful at quitting smoking, try making a list of all the pros and cons quitting will bring you. Writing out the benefits can help to elucidate the advantages of the action you are taking. You may become more motivated to remain on the path, and therefore, you may even find quitting to be less of a challenge.

If you feel that you need to smoke a cigarette, first try to delay that action. For example, require yourself to take a long stroll before you give in and have a smoke. If nothing else, pour yourself a big iced tea and promise yourself to finish drinking it first. This break between the craving and its fulfillment may enable to not smoke that cigarette after all. If you desire to smoke a cigarette, the delay could cause you to smoke one less cigarette that day.

If you feel like you absolutely must smoke, try the delay method first. Take a long walk, do the dishes or put away the laundry before permitting yourself to smoke. This will help you to reduce your temptations and shift your focus elsewhere. If, even after the delay, you still have a cigarette, you will at least have taken up some time, meaning you will smoke less that day.

Talk to your doctor about quitting smoking. It is possible that your doctor has has resources that you don’t. Furthermore, your physician may also decided to write a prescription for a smoking cessation medication.

Going cold turkey to quit smoking isn’t the smartest idea, try and get supplements to help you along the way, things like nicotine patches or gum. These products deliver small doses of nicotine to your body to help wean off the addiction without the pain and stress of withdrawal.

Your loved ones will almost certainly support your desire to kick a bad habit and get moving with a healthier lifestyle. You have to talk to people and let them know what you’re going through, this is the only way you can get help. Also, warn them that you may be bad-tempered in the beginning and that your judgment may be somewhat cloudy. You’ll need the support of others during this process.

Staying positive will help you quit smoking for good. Remain focused on the positive ways your life will change once you rid yourself of cigarettes. Think about how much better your breath will be, how clean your teeth will be, or how much better your house will smell. Thinking about negative things can help you quit smoking, but also try to think of positive aspects.

Reduce smoking. This will put you in the right place to quit smoking. Try waiting an hour or so before having your first cigarette of the day. Try smoking only a half cigarette in order to help you cut back on how much you smoke.

You can now feel better prepared to start kicking this habit. Kicking the nicotine habit will improve the quality of your entire life. Thank your family by using the money you are saving to do something special for them. They supported you through your trials, so they deserve it!