March 12, 2025

Reasons For Infertility In Women

Technology has advanced to such a state that more and more couples are able to have children through using a fertility clinic. This article is going to focus on some of the most common causes on infertility in women. Many of these conditions can result in a successful pregnancy with infertility treatment.

It is important to note that there are many reasons for female infertility that are related to behavioral or environmental factors. Before you spend the time and money on fertility treatment, you should take time to address any of those issues. Some of the more common issues include being severely overweight or smoking and drinking alcohol. Fertility treatments can cost thousands of dollars and there is no guarantee of success. You should definitely do some research on these types of issues and make any lifestyle changes that are necessary. Chances are that if you are having problems becoming pregnant due to these types of issues, you will have the same problems with a fertility treatment.

These are some of the issues that can cause female infertility that many people have had success in having treated at an infertility treatment facility.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

This is a disease that is related to problems with inflammation in the ovaries, fallopian tubes and/or the uterus and it effects more than 100,000 women each year in the US and Canada.. The typical cause of PID is a previous STD like Gonorrhea or Chlamydia.

Fibroid Tumors

This benign tumor is another common cause of infertility in women. These can affect up to 20% of women, but they begin to get more common after the age of 30. In most cases, these tumors are very small and harmless. However, if they grow large enough they can cause a fertility problem for women.


This is also a condition that can cause infertility. This is when tissue from the uterus spreads to other areas. The areas typically affected are the ovaries, or fallopian tubes. When the tissue spreads, they break down during the menstrual cycle and they can cause scar tissue or adhesions that will present difficulties in becoming pregnant.

Imbalanced Hormones

Sometimes lifestyle choices can cause problems with hormonal imbalances. If the hormones that are affected are the ones that typically regulate the reproductive functions, it can cause fertility issues. Lifestyle changes can sometimes correct this issue.


This is a very common of fertility issues because more than half of the population of North America takes at least one kind of prescription drug. The problem is that many types of drugs have side effects. Some of the side effects are well-known, but others are less common. In fact, you or your spouse may have problems with infertility even though it is not listed as a possible side effect on the bottle.


Things like thyroid, kidney, diabetes and adrenal disease can also have an effect on female fertility. Each disease is different and many of them can be controlled well enough to increase your chances of becoming pregnant.