March 12, 2025

Reversing Infertility: It Is Not Too Late

When couples are having trouble conceiving, the last place they turn is usually the fertility clinic. Many newlyweds prefer to try their luck at natural remedies before turning to more serious methods of infertility treatment. Although fertility clinics are proven to be highly effective, they can also be costly for couples who are just starting their lives together. Before opting for those last resort methods, there are a number of natural remedies that prospective parents may find useful.

To begin, women should consider taking prenatal vitamins. These are not a cure-all, but they have given plenty of would-be mothers the little kick start needed. Select a prenatal vitamin carefully, as these vary greatly from bottle to bottle. Mothers-to-be need a balance of vitamins C, E, D and B12. Vitamin C is especially important for future mothers, as it does much to increase cervical fluids. Women looking to become pregnant must do all in their power to maintain the proper amount of body fluids. This means that women should cut down on all diuretics including coffee, alcohol and many energy drinks. Drinking the requisite amount of water each day and avoiding substances that dehydrate the body will ensure that the body is toxin-free and ready to procreate.

To increase the possibility of pregnancy, women should begin monitoring their monthly cycles and body temperatures. These will vary from woman to woman, but understanding the body’s cycles and monitoring the basal body temperature will help a woman understand when she is most likely to become pregnant. By keeping records of the rise and fall of the body’s temperature, women will be able to tell when their ovaries are on the verge of releasing an egg. This is not a perfect way to tell when the egg will be released, body temperature can vary due to stress or sickness but it is a method that many women find extremely helpful. To increase circulation throughout the body, women should maintain the proper zinc intake. By consuming this mineral, the brain can combat stress levels more effectively. A stressed out woman is not a good candidate for pregnancy, so it is a good idea to ensure daily zinc consumption either through foods that are high zinc content such as oysters or sesame seeds or via tablets to be taken daily.

Women who are experiencing a great deal of stress may suffer from higher blood pressure, which will create a sense of lethargy in some women. A tired-feeling woman is not one who will want to keep trying in the face of adversity, and so it is important to give the body what it needs to keep going, no matter how great the challenge. Maintaining a sense of hope is a great way to ensure that a couple will reach their goal of becoming pregnant.

Assisting the body in its production of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone is another effective way to help the body tend toward pregnancy. This can be accomplished via the chaste berry, which does much to stimulate production in the pituitary gland.