March 13, 2025

Side Effects Of Nuvaring And Nuva Ring Dangers

In the modern world we live in today, unplanned pregnancies have become rare due to the many excellent methods of birth control. Some are old, tested, and trusted, while others like the third generation Nuvaring are new and have dangerous side effects and problems associated with its use. Since time immemorial, women have used contraception and birth control methods to avoid pregnancies due to a multitude of reasons. As time passed, crude methods were replaced with more modern methods, medications, and devices. As science progressed and knowledge increased, new and more modern methods were developed for birth control. We now have the third generation of birth control methods and devices, which uses and contains hormones like estrogen and progestin. Nuvaring is just such a method, which not only contains estrogen, but also a new form of progestin called desogestrel. The problem is not with the use of Hormones, as the second generation of birth control methods too used some hormones, but the problem is with the Side effects of Nuvaring and Nuva ring dangers associated with its use.

The development of the third generation of contraceptives was started in the 80s and the goal was to produce contraceptives with few side effects. In early 1995 some studies and research concluded that the third generation contraceptives containing desogestrel had doubled the risks of DVT or Deep vein thrombosis (blood clots) in comparison to the second-generation contraceptives. The US FDA confirmed the findings of the studies and since Nuvaring contains desogestrel, the risks and Side effects of Nuvaring and Nuva ring dangers too has been confirmed.

The use of Nuvaring birth control over a period of time results in certain Side effects of Nuvaring, such as blood clots in the legs that can travel to the lungs, heart attacks, strikes and tumors. The Nuva ring dangers associated with its use are major and can be life threatening. The side effects can and do start with blood clotting or venous thrombosis in medical terms. In simple terms it means that the use of Nuvaring could lead to blood clots in your kegs and thighs. By itself this is not life threatening and can be taken care of. But if there are multiple blood clots and even one of these travels through the body to a vital organ like the brain, lung or heart, then the problems and danger could multiply a thousand fold. A blood clot in a vein of a lung could leave you breathless and gasping for air, while a clot stuck in a vein or artery carrying blood to the brain could lead to an ischemic stroke leading to irreversible brain damage. Likewise the clot traveling to the heart could get stuck in an artery or vein resulting in a heart attack.

The side effects of Nuvaring and Nuva ring dangers are enhanced and increased if the woman using it is 35 years or older, has diabetes, smokes more than 15-20 cigarettes a day, and has high levels of cholesterol or is obese.